Contour based refinement

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Refinement Top

2) Refinement Contours

This tool support refining segmented regions by placing and editing 2D contours.
The tool is based on surface deformation algorithm and is well suited to small modification.
It is difficult to deal with large modifications and topological changes.

Graph Cut等で分割できたものの,微妙に誤りが残ってしまった時に有効です.

T Ijiri and H Yokota:Contour-based Interface for Refining Volume Segmentation, Computer Graphics Forum, 29(2010), 7, 2153-2160.
現在は,ポリゴンメッシュの変形法がコアになっていますが,Level Set法を元に実装し直したらもっといいかなと思っています.


  1. Start this mode by clicking Menu > ModeSwitch > "Segmentation Slice-by-Slice".
  2. Select target region ID.
  3. Set parameters for polygon mesh generation from the following dialog.
    Explanation on the parameters are available here.
  4. Refinement by this tool(see below)
  5. Finish and seve the refinement by pressing Finish button in tool dialog.

User Interface

  place contours and cross section
ctrl+L-Drag draw a Cut Stroke to place a contour and cross section.

Edit contours (pulling)
Set d3.Grab&drag on and shift+L-Drag to pull the contour.

Edit contours (overdrawing)
Set d3.over draw on and shift+L-stroke to draw a new shape of the contour.
(end points of the stroke should be on the existing contour)

Edit contours (Rubbing)
Alt+L-Drag to smooth the contour

Store contours
After editing, press d2. Store this fiber to fix and store the contour. (Once stored contour cannot be re-editied (can be removed))

Intersection point
The red intersection points can be pick and draged by shift+L-Drag

d1. switch visualization
Nomal : show boundary surface
Image : show volume image on the surface
Edges : show edges of the surface
Vol init : show region before refinement
Vol Ref : show region after refinement
Fibers : show contours
ForeHL : show foreground on the cross section

d2. Store this fiber button to store the contour

d3. editing tools switch BrabNDrag and Overdraw.
d4. Rubbing parameters

d5. PostRun Graph Cut compute voxel level graph cut from current ROI

d6. Erase All Fiber remove all contours.

d7. Erase Trgt Fiber Mode
When more than two contours (under editing) exist, pressing this button and double clicking a contour under will removed it. This process results in topological changes of the ROI.
