Copyright (c) Mitsunori Fukuda and Tohoku University 2009. The data (,,, and are courtesy of Mitsunori Fukuda (Tohoku University). All rights reserved by prof. Fukuda. This data is only allowed for educational and research purposes. Prof. Mitsunori Fukuda should be mentioned in your paper if you use this data for research publication. Also you may cite the papers: (*): Kuroda, T. S., Ariga, H. and Fukuda, M. (2003) The actin-binding domain of Slac2-a/melanophilin is required for melanosome distribution in melanocytes, Mol. Cell. Biol. 23, 5245-5255. (*): Kuroda, T. S. and Fukuda, M. (2004) Rab27A-binding protein Slp2-a is required for peripheral melanosome distribution and elongated cell shape in melanocytes, Nature Cell Biol. 6, 1195-1203. For the commercial use of the data, please contact Prof. Fukuda: