Dr. Taro Yamada         


Research Objectives


Since 2004 we have been discussing on the possibilities of extending the objectives of our surface-scientific instrumentation towards biological molecules.  Our surface-scientific technology has been primarily used for nanometer-scale studies of solid materials.  Together with biologists of RIKEN, we made consideration how to what extent the biological entities can conform with such physical methods, and actually repeated elementary experiments to realize this collaboration.

Then, we had chances to communicate with researchers with similar collaborative ideas, in Japan and in the world.  In 2005, we participated a newly build research organization named “Molecular-informational Life Science”, a trans-Japan network-basis group of research institutes/universities.  In conducting our biological researches, we owe principle ideas in many aspects from this research community.

私共は平成 16 年頃から、理化学研究所所内の研究者と語らって、今まで物性物理学的対象に使われてきたナノメートルスケールの表面科学的観測手法を転用して、細胞生理学的な生体分子をナノメートルスケールで動的に把握する観測実験がどこまで可能か検討を重ね、また実際に実験に着手してきました。私共は、走査プローブ手法、分光法その他の表面科学的手法を応用して、生体分子が機能するその場を観測して、分子内部および分子の集合体の動的プロセスを明らかにすることを目指します。We now aim to reveal dynamic processes within biomolecules as well as within assortments of molecules, by directly looking at the biomolecules actually moving and performing physiological functions.  Scanning probe methods and other spectroscopic tools are our usual tools to cope with these problems.



バックグラウンド Background


川合表面化学研究室は元来、固体表面上のオングストロームスケールの分子化学と動的なプロセスに興味をもち、長年に亘って研究手法の開発と表面に特有の分子プロセスの解明をめざした研究を展開してきました。Kawai Surface Chemistry Laboratory has been originally interested in the chemistry and dynamic processes on solid surfaces in the angstrom scale.  Our efforts have been concentrated on the methodological development to study the molecular processes specific to the surface. ことに最近では、超低温走査トンネル顕微鏡( STM) を応用した、単一分子の分光とケミストリーの研究が進展し、研究所の一つの看板ともいうべき成果が上がっています。 Recently, the ultra-low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (LTSTM) has been applied for the study of chemistry and physics of single isolated molecules on the basis of electronic and vibrational processes.  By this approach for classical molecule/surface systems, a series of basic studies has been accomplished, representing one of the great achievements of RIKEN today.


固体表面上における分子を物理的に眺めると、固体結晶という連続的電子構造をもった 3 次元周期構造の截断面に、ディスクリートなレベルを持った分子が何らかの相互作用で貼り付いている状況です。When you look at a molecule on a surface of solid in a physical sense, it is a cross section of a crystal with the continuum of electronic structure, baring molecules with discrete electronic levels. これら 2 種類の“近似”が交錯する場としての固体表面吸着系は、理論的に完璧な記述を期することはもちろん、実験的にも種々な困難があり、近時までなかなか取り組みの難しい分野であったといえま As the place of mixing these two types of "approximations", the solid surface adsorption system is an awkward object to give a concise description in physics.  Also for experimentalists, there have been all sorts of difficulties to handle surface systems.  Surface science has been, until recently, a field for us to pursue with patience and frustration.


However, today, observational techniques for solid surfaces, such as scanning probe methods, have been adequately developed, and complete sets of apparatuses became commercially available.  As long as resources for your research last, you are able to perform detailed physical observation on the basis of solid-state physics.  You can jump into the world of nanometer without much technological hindrance.  (I think, as mentioned above, the theoretical difficulties on solid surfaces have not been satisfactorily solved.)


Surface science has history for more than a half century, and most of us subtly feel that the related fields have been matured as basic disciplines, especially when we participate social occasions of such communities.  More explicitly, in the US for example, people think it rather outdated to take on the first-generation basic surface science founded on ultrahigh vacuum technology.  For instance, when a candidate is selected for your institute’s project-leader position, the criterion of “matured surface science into practice” is not negligible any more.  Practical application is always a vague idea, but anyway, the general trend expects application of present surface science into all sorts of novel research fields and synergy effects between them.


We RIKEN now have as many as 3,000 research scientists, and 70% of them are related to biological science.  Our research group, as solid-state chemists/physicists, became a sort of minority.  As a result, we, regardless we like or not, are daily exposed to plenty of information from advanced biological sciences.  Yamada group naturally determined to study biological molecules within an environment with many friendly RIKEN biologists.


生理現象は一般に巨大分子の微視的な動的プロセスに淵源があり、巨大分子は物理的に言えば、細かいディスクリートレベルの塊りです。Physiological phenomena have origins in the microscopic dynamic processes of large molecules in general.  Physically speaking, large molecules are a bunch of fine discrete levels.  Physical understanding of such objects will be harder when combined with the above-mentioned difficulty of molecular contact with solids.  Experimentally, the biological entities in general work within aqueous media at regular temperature and pressure.  This is a discontinuity from the ultrahigh-vacuum low-temperature condition that has been taken in the advanced surface science so far.



当グループの研究成果Our past Research Achievements


1.1. STMによる固液界面展開リン脂質単分子層の電気化学的構造変化 EC-STM observation on electrochemical response of fluidic phospholipid monolayer on Au(111) modified with 1-octanethiol

          S. Matsunaga, R. Yokomori, D. Ino, T. Yamada, M. Kawai, T. KobayashiS. Matsunaga, R. Yokomori, D. Ino, T. Yamada, M. Kawai, T. Kobayashi;

     Electrochem. Commn. 9 (2007) 645-648. “EC-STM observation on electrochemical response of fluidic phospholipid monolayer on Au(111) modified with 1-octanethiol

          Electrochem . Commn . 9 (2007) 645-648.

金単結晶基板をオクタンチオールで修飾し、バッファ水溶液中に浸した状態で、水溶性リン脂質分子DHPCを溶存させると、流動性のあるDHPC単分子層が形成され水溶液中STMで観測される。Electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (EC-STM) was applied to observe phospholipid layers over thiol-modified gold substrates as a model biological cell membrane. On a monolayer of 1-octanethiol on Au (111), a synthetic lipid, 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine, was introduced in a neutral 0.05 M NH4ClO4 buffer solution. The lipid molecules formed a fluidic layer at 0.0 V vs. RHE of the substrate electrode potential. By cycling the electrode potential between +0.2 V and -0.2 V, the lipid layer reversibly changed over between the fluidic phase and a striped/grainy structure. This structural change might involve partial decomposition and oligomerization of phospholipids. This method will contribute for molecular biology by revealing the nanometer-scale structure of cell membrane.


2.2. Cu(110)表面上のグアニン及びアデニンのNEXAFSXPSによる観測及びDFT計算によるシミュレーション Geometrical characterization of adenine and guanine on Cu(110) by NEXAFS, XPS, and DFT calculation

          M. Furukawa, T. Yamada, S. Katano, M. Kawai, H. Ogasawara, A. NilssonM. Furukawa, T. Yamada, S. Katano, M. Kawai, H. Ogasawara, A. Nilsson;

             Surf. Sci. 601 (2007) 5433-5440. “Geometrical characterization of adenine and guanine on Cu(110) by NEXAFS, XPS, and DFT calculation”

             Surf. Sci. 601 (2007) 5433-54

銅単結晶基板(110)清浄表面上に、核酸塩基であるグアニン及びアデニンを単分子層以下の厚さで真空蒸着し、引き続き、放射光使用のX線吸収分光、 X船光電子分光で観測したところ、いずれの分子も強い偏光依存性を示し、グアニンは分子面が表面から起き上がって斜めになっている状態で、アデニンは表面に寝た状態でそれぞれ吸着していることが示され、 DFT理論による計算でも、これらが安定構造である事が示された。Adsorption of purine DNA bases (guanine and adenine) on Cu(110) was studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS), and density-functional theory (DFT) calculation. At coverages near 0.2 monolayers, Angular-resolved NEXAFS analysis revealed that adenine adsorbates lie almost flat and that guanine adsorbates are tilted up on the surface with the purine ring parallel to the atom rows of Cu(110). Referring to the previous studies on pyrimidine DNA bases, the isomerization of DNA bases on Cu(110) was found to play an important role in the adsorption geometry. Guanine, thymine and cytosine adsorption have an amine-type nitrogen next to a carbonyl group, which is dehydrogenated into imine nitrogen on Cu(110). These bases are bonded by the inherent portion of –NH–CO– altered by conversion into enolic form and dehydrogenation. Adenine contains no CO group and is bonded to Cu(110) by participation of the inherent amine parts, resulting in nearly flatly-lying position.


3.3. Ag(111)表面上のPTCDAのトンネル発光分光 Luminescence from 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride on Ag (111) surface excited by tunneling electrons in scanning tunneling microscopy

             Daisuke Ino, Taro Yamada, Maki Kawai; D. Ino, T. Yamada, Maki Kawai;

             “Luminescence from 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride on Ag(111) surface excited by tunneling electrons in scanning tunneling microscopy” J. Chem. Phys. 129 (2008) 014701 (1-5).J. Chem. Phys. 129 (2008) 014701 (1-5).


銀単結晶(111)清浄表面上に平板上分子PTCDAを単分子層または2分子層吸着させると、個々のPTCDA分子のSTM像が得られる。The electronic excitations induced with tunneling electrons into adlayers of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) on Ag(111) have been investigated by in situ fluorescence spectroscopy in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). A minute area of the surface is excited by an electron tunneling process in STM. Fluorescence spectra strongly depend on the coverage of PTCDA on Ag(111). The adsorption of the first PTCDA layer quenches the intrinsic surface plasmon originated from the clean Ag(111). When the second layer is formed, fluorescence spectra are dominated by the signals from PTCDA, which are interpreted as the radiative decay from the manifold of first singlet excited state (S1) of adsorbed PTCDA. The fluorescence of PTCDA is independent of the bias polarity. In addition, the fluorescence excitation spectrum agrees with that by optical excitation. Both results indicate that S1 is directly excited by the inelastic impact scattering of electrons tunneling within the PTCDA adlayer.


4. Ag(111)表面上のPTCDAのトンネル発光分光 Ag(111)表面上のPTCDAのトンネル発光分光4.Observation of Photoactive Yellow Protein Anchored to Modified Au (111) Surfaces by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

             II Rzeźnicka , GWH Wurpel, M. Bonn, MA van der Horst, K. Hellingwerf , S. Matsunaga, T. Yamada, M. KawaiII Rzeźnicka, GWH Wurpel, M. Bonn, MA van der Horst, K. Hellingwerf, S., Matsunaga, T. Yamada, M. Kawai;

             Chem. Phys. Lett. 472 (2009) 113-117.

             Chem. Phys. Lett . 472 (2009) 113-11

金単結晶(111)表面上をチオールカルボン酸、次いでイミド分子で修飾し、水溶液中でそこに黄色光活性タンパク( Photoactive Yellow Protein, PYP )を結合させて表面に強固に接合すると、 STMにより、約4 nmのスポットとして観測される。The adsorption of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) on a Au(111) surface and its fluorescence activity have been studied by electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (EC-STM) and fluorescence photometry. A stable, densely packed protein layer was observed after protein immobilization onto a Au(111) surface modified with a mixture of 3-mercaptopropanoic acid (3-MPA) and 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (11-MUA) and subsequent formation of the amide bond with the use of N-hydroxysuccinimide and carbodiimide. Fluorescence photometry data indicate that covalent binding of PYP to the functionalized Au(111) surface does not interfere with the fluorescence properties of the native protein.


5.リン脂質超微粒子のデュラマイシンによる融合過程の5. Ag(111)表面上のPTCDAのトンネル発光分光 Visualization of phospholipid particle fusion induced by duramycin

             S. Matsunaga, T. Matsunaga, K. Iwamoto, T. Yamada, M. Shibayama, M. Kawai, T. KobayashS. Matsunaga, T. Matsunaga, K. Iwamoto, T. Yamada, M. Shibayama, M. Kawai, T. Kobayashi;

             Langmuir 25 (2009) 8200-8207.

             Langmuir 25 (2009) 8200–8207.

POPC 、及びPOPC+POPE混合リン脂質は、水溶液中で超音波混合することにより、これ以上細かくできない最小のリン脂質構造体“ MLP ”(直径10 nm前後)として懸濁する。We visualized nanometer-scale phospholipid particle fusion by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) on an alkanethiol-modified gold substrate, induced by duramycin, a tetracyclic antibiotic peptide with 19 amino residues. Ultrasonic homogenization generated a suspension mainly consisting of minimal lipid particles (MLP) from 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), and 1-palmitoyl-2- oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (POPE) in a phosphate buffer solution, confirmed by dynamic light scattering (DLS). In situ STM discerned individualMLPas particles (diameter8 nm) spread on Au(111), modified with alkanethiol, within the suspension. The MLP became fragile by the presence of duramycin, and the MLP were easily scratched by the scanning tip into multilayers along the surface. This process of particle fusion on the gold surface coincides with the aggregation of MLP in the suspension, observed by DLS. It was demonstrated that STM is capable of discerning and monitoring the nanometer-scale features of phospholipid particles altered by antibiotics with biochemical impact. STM might allow in situ, real-space, nanometer-scale observations of minute particles composed of phospholipids within the real cells with the highest magnification ratio


6.    Antimicrobial Destabilization of Phosopholipid Monolayer Spread along Aqueous Surface"

             II Rzeźnicka , M. Sovago , M. Bonn, T. Kobayashi, T. Yamada, M. KawaiI.I. Rzeźnicka, M. Sovago, M. Bonn, T. Kobayashi, T. Yamada, M. Kawai;

              Submitted to Biophys. J.

             Submitted to J. Am. Chem. Soc.

前項の研究に触発され、今度はレーザー非線形振動分光“ SFG ”を応用して、気液界面に形成されたリン脂質単分子層とデュラマイシンの相互作用を分子論的に観測することを試みたInspired by previous research, we applied laser nonlinear vibration spectroscopy "SFG" to observe the molecular interaction of phospholipid and duramycin layers  formed at gas-liquid interface. Both pure POPE and pure duramycinformefoe formed a single-orientation monolayer for each.  When duramycin was injected below a POPE monolayer, the SFG spectrum was almost a linear combination of the spectra of two pure monolayers, except the O-H (O-D) stretching region of water.  Most parts of POPE and duramycin did not substantially change, and the interfacial water molecules seemed to lose hydrogen-bonding network.  As a result, the entire membrane system becomes unstable, leading to disintegration of the membrane.  For DOPC+duramycin system, duramycin did not appear in SFG.  A very sharp selectivity of duramycin towards phospholipids has been demonstrated. デュラマイシンはPOPE単分子層に対しては、単分子層のまま配向するように見え、両分子の内部構造には殆ど変化がなかったが、界面に介在する水分子はデュラマイシンによって水素結合ネットワークが破壊され、膜全体が不安定化する様子が観