RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences Laboratory for Innate Immune Systems
Team Leader: Kazuyo Moro (Ph.D.)
Research Summary
The immune system plays a critical role in the host defense against invading microbes. Immune reactions are also involved in the onset and pathophysiology of many diseases including allergic and autoimmune diseases. We currently focus on an innate lymphocyte population that we identified. We have identified a new lymphoid tissue in mouse and human mesentery and termed this tissue fat-associated lymphoid cluster (FALC). We discovered in the FALC a new innate lymphocyte subset producing of Th2 cytokines and named this new lymphocyte "Natural Helper (NH) Cell". NH cells which are classified to group 2 Innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) support the proliferation of B1 cells in the peritoneal cavity and induce goblet cell hyperplasia during the innate phase of nematode infection. ILC2 also play a role in allergic diseases. We aim to understand the role of ILC2 in our immune system.
Main Research Fields
- Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy
Related Research Fields
- Biology
- ILC2
- Allergy
- Parasite infection
- Type 2 immune responses
- Fat-associated lymphoid cluster
Selected Publications
Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.
- 1.
Hikichi Y, Motomura Y, Takeuchi O, Moro K.:
"Posttranscriptional regulation of ILC2 homeostatic function via tristetraprolin."
J Exp Med. 2021 Dec 6;218(12) - 2.
Momiuchi Y, Motomura Y, Suga E, Mizuno H, Kikuta J, Morimoto A, Mochizuki M, Otaki N, Ishii M, Moro K.:
"Group 2 innate lymphoid cells in bone marrow regulate osteoclastogenesis in a reciprocal manner via RANKL, GM-CSF and IL-13."
Int Immunol. 2021 Oct 29;33(11) - 3.
Kobayashi T, Motomura Y, Moro K.:
"The discovery of group 2 innate lymphoid cells has changed the concept of type 2 immune diseases."
Int Immunol. 2021 Nov 25;33(12) - 4.
Kiniwa T, Moro K.:
"Localization and site-specific cell-cell interactions of group 2 innate lymphoid cells."
Int Immunol. 2021 Apr 22;33(5) - 5.
Miyajima Y, Ealey KN, Motomura Y, Mochizuki M, Takeno N, Yanagita M, Economides AN, Nakayama M, Koseki H, Moro K.:
"Effects of BMP7 produced by group 2 innate lymphoid cells on adipogenesis."
Int Immunol. 2020 May 30;32(6) - 6.
Wagner M, Ealey KN, Tetsu H, Kiniwa T, Motomura Y, Moro K, Koyasu S.:
"Tumor-Derived Lactic Acid Contributes to the Paucity of Intratumoral ILC2s."
Cell Rep. 2020 Feb 25;30(8) - 7.
Kobayashi T, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Moro K.:
"Skin-Resident Innate Lymphoid Cells - Cutaneous Innate Guardians and Regulators."
Trends Immunol. 2020 Feb;41(2) - 8.
Sasaki T, Moro K, Kubota T, Kubota N, Kato T, Ohno H, Nakae S, Saito H, Koyasu S.:
"Innate Lymphoid Cells in the Induction of Obesity."
Cell Rep. 2019 Jul 2;28(1) - 9.
Kobayashi T, Voisin B, Kim DY, Kennedy EA, Jo JH, Shih HY, Truong A, Doebel T, Sakamoto K, Cui CY, Schlessinger D, Moro K, Nakae S, Horiuchi K, Zhu J, Leonard WJ, Kong HH, Nagao K.:
"Homeostatic Control of Sebaceous Glands by Innate Lymphoid Cells Regulates Commensal Bacteria Equilibrium."
Cell. 2019 Feb 21;176(5) - 10.
Koga S, Hozumi K, Hirano KI, Yazawa M, Terooatea T, Minoda A, Nagasawa T, Koyasu S, Moro K.:
"Peripheral PDGFRα+gp38+ mesenchymal cells support the differentiation of fetal liver-derived ILC2."
J Exp Med. 2018 Jun 4;215(6)
Recent Research Results
Related Links
- Laboratory for Innate Immune Systems | Center for Integrative Medical Sciences
- Moro Laboratory Homepage
Lab Members
Principal investigator
- Kazuyo Moro
- Team Leader
Core members
- Tetsuro Kobayashi
- Deputy Team Leader
- Natsuki Takeno
- Technical Staff I
- Miho Mochizuki
- Technical Staff I
- Mana Ando
- Junior Research Associate
- Shunya Hatai
- Research Part-time Worker I
- Xiaozhou Zhang
- Research Part-time Worker I
- Masato Asaoka
- Student Trainee
- Ayumi Okuzumi
- Student Trainee
- Jiali Yan
- Student Trainee
Contact Information
609/610 6F North Research Building,
1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku,
Yokohama City, Kanagawa,
230-0045, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)45-503-9275
Fax: +81-(0)45-503-9686
Email: kazuyo.moro [at] riken.jp