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  5. 加速器機器開発グループ

放射光科学研究センター 加速器基盤チーム

チームリーダー 稲垣 隆宏(D.Sc.)


稲垣 隆宏



  • 総合理工


  • 工学
  • 数物系科学
  • 量子ビーム科学
  • 電気電子工学


  • 加速器
  • ビーム物理
  • 高周波
  • 高電圧
  • 超高真空


  • 1. Fukami K., Inagaki T., Iwashita T., Nakanishi H., Nishimori N., Takano S., Takemura Y., Taniuchi T., Watanabe T., Yamaguchi H., and Tanaka H.:
    "Irin lamination and interlaminar insulation for high-frequency pulsed magnets”
    Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 023301 (2022)
  • 2. Asaka T., Inagaki T., Magome T., Nishimori N., Otake Y., Taniuchi T., Yanagida K., and Tanaka H.:
    "Low-emittance radio-frequency electron gun using a gridded thermionic cathode”
    Physical Review Accelerator and Beams 23, 063401 (2020)
  • 3. Otake Y., Kondo C., Sakurai T., and Inagaki T.:
    "Thermally modified C-band acceleration unit for a high-repetition normal-conducting linac for free-electron lasers”
    Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 113311 (2019)
  • 4. Ohshima T., Maesaka H., Hosoda N., and Matsubara S.:
    "Timing synchronization system for beam injection from the SACLA linac to the SPring-8 storage ring”
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1350, 012141 (2019)
  • 5. Kondo C., Hara T., Fukui T., Inagaki T., Takebe H., Nakazawa S., Fukami K., Kawaguchi Y., Kawaguchi H., Otake Y., and Tanaka H.:
    "A stable pulsed power supply for multi-beamline XFEL operations"
    Review of Science Instruments 89, 064704 (2018)
  • 6. Asaka T., Ego H., Hanaki H., Hara T., Hasegawa T., Hasegawa T., Inagaki T., Kobayashi T., Kondo C., Maesaka H., Matsubara S., Matsui S., Ohshima T., Otake Y., Sakurai T., Suzuki S., Tajiri Y., Tanaka S., Togawa K., and Tanaka H.:
    "Low-emittance thermionic-gun-based injector for a compact free-electron laser"
    Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 20, 080702 (2017)
  • 7. Sakurai T., Ego H., Inagaki T., Asaka T., Suzuki D., Miura S. and Otake Y.:
    "C-band disk-loaded-type accelerating structure for a high acceleration gradient and high-repetition-rate operation"
    Physical Review Accelerator and Beams 20, 042003 (2017)
  • 8. Ohshima T., Maesaka H., Matsubara S. and Otake Y.:
    "Error compensation of IQ modulator using two-dimensional DFT"
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 820, 65-74 (2016)
  • 9. Otake Y., Maesaka H., Matsubara S. Hosoda N. and Ohshima T.:
    "Timing and low-level rf system for an x-ray laser"
    Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 19, 022001 (2016)
  • 10. Inagaki T., Kondo C., Maesaka H., Ohshima T., Otake Y., Sakurai T., Shirasawa K. and Shintake T.:
    "High-gradient C-band Linac for a Compact x-ray free-electron laser facility"
    Physical Review Special Topics Accelerators and Beams 17, 080702 (2014)



稲垣 隆宏


渡川 和晃
前坂 比呂和


〒679-5148 兵庫県佐用郡佐用町光都1-1-1
Email: inagaki [at] spring8.or.jp
