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Oct. 10, 2024

Controlling plant growth

Jekson Robertlee, Special Postdoctoral Researcher

Please describe your role.

I work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Molecular Bioregulation Research Team at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS), supported by funding from the RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researcher program. I work to understand how cells function by stimulating them using artificial molecules.

Please briefly describe your current research.

I am developing a regulatory growth technology that can be activated by introducing an artificial molecule to a plant. This technology seeks to customize plant growth at the molecular level to better meet our needs. It may also aid the study of signalling pathways in plants.

Furthermore, I am creating a standardized high-throughput screening system to identify other molecules that function as regulators of plant growth. This research is a vital step in the process of enhancing our agricultural practices to meet the evolving demands placed on farms adapting to climate change and an ever-growing population.

Picture of Jekson Robertlee taken in a greenhouse

How did you join RIKEN?

Prior to joining RIKEN, I had the privilege of working with Toshiya Muranaka at Osaka University and other members of his team, some of whom are RIKEN alumni. Their dedication to research and their commitment to addressing societal challenges left a profound impression on me. So I decided to look for a laboratory at RIKEN that aligned with my research goals.

In 2020 I gathered the courage to begin a dialogue with Shinya Hagihara who leads the team I am now a member of. My research proposal piqued his interest and I joined his team the following year.

What is the best thing about working at RIKEN?

I would like to highlight a few key points. First, I have found the scientists at RIKEN to be very dedicated and supportive, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to mutual growth.

Second, the administrative officers at RIKEN are consistently supportive, allowing researchers to better concentrate on their research. Third, I have been impressed by RIKEN’s global research environment, characterized by numerous partnerships with leading institutions worldwide and a commitment to bilingual communication within the institute. As a non-native Japanese speaker still in the process of learning the language, I greatly value RIKEN’s inclusive culture.

How do you balance family life with your work at RIKEN?

RIKEN provides multiple support systems to families. For example, many groups promote activities, from sports to arts, that allow family members to participate. Not only that, but RIKEN also allows their members to take multiple types of holiday allowance, which enables me to be relatively flexible with regards to family-related matters.

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