RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC®)
As a core center for bioresources not only in Japan but also worldwide, we (BioResource Research Center) are implementing projects to accurately grasp research trends, respond to social and research needs, and collect, preserve, and distribute the world's highest quality of bioresources. We are also promoting research that contributes to the utilization of bioresources. In implementing these projects, we will prioritize the development of bioresources and related information produced by Japan's cutting-edge research and carry out quality control in accordance with international quality management standards to ensure genuine bioresources with reproducibility.
Furthermore, we are collecting and preserving bioresources which are the key to research and development related to the COVID-19 virus and releasing pertinent information as this is currently a pressing social issue. In addition, we are also conducting technical training and dissemination activities to develop human resources involved in the bioresource projects and transfer this technology to the research community.
- Experimental Animal Division
- Atsushi Yoshiki (Ph.D.)
- Experimental Plant Division
- Masatomo Kobayashi (Ph.D.)
- Cell Engineering Division (RIKEN BRC Cell Bank)
- Yukio Nakamura (M.D., Ph.D.)
- Gene Engineering Division (RIKEN BRC Gene Bank)
- Yoshihiro Miwa (Ph.D.)
- Microbe Division (RIKEN BRC JCM)
- Moriya Ohkuma (Ph.D.)
- Integrated Bioresource Information Division
- Hiroshi Masuya (Ph.D.)
- Bioresource Engineering Division
- Atsuo Ogura (D.V.M., Ph.D.)
- Mouse Phenotype Analysis Division
- Masaru Tamura (Ph.D.)
- iPSC-based Drug Discovery and Development Team
- Haruhisa Inoue (M.D., Ph.D.)
- iPS Cell Advanced Characterization and Development Team
- Toshihiko Shiroishi (Ph.D.)
- Next Generation Human Disease Model Team
- Takanori Amano (Ph.D.)
- Plant-Microbe Symbiosis Research and Development Team
- Yasunori Ichihashi (Ph.D.)
- Transcriptome-Epigenome Research and Development Team
- Kubo Naoki (M.D., Ph.D.)
- Support Unit for Quality Management
- Masatomo Kobayashi (Ph.D.)
- iPS Cell Research Unit for Drug Discovery
- Yukio Nakamura (M.D., Ph.D.)
Recent Research Results
Nov. 7, 2014
A new angle on infertility -
Apr. 5, 2013
BRC to provide seeds of model cereal plant
Related Links
Contact Information
3-1-1 Koyadai
Tsukuba, Ibaraki
305-0074, Japan
Email: contact-tsukuba [at] ml.riken.jp