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RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC®) iPSC-based Drug Discovery and Development Team

Team Leader: Haruhisa Inoue (M.D., Ph.D.)

Research Summary

Haruhisa  Inoue(M.D., Ph.D.)

At BRC®, disease-specific iPS cells established from patients with various diseases are provided as bioresources. The disease-specific iPS cells are used for drug discovery and development.

Three missions of the team are as follows.

  • iPS cells of BRC® to develop infrastructure technology for drug discovery and development
  • Innovating the technology that will open an avenue for practical and general uses
  • Bridging disease-specific iPS cells and academia / industry in the field of translational research

Main Research Fields

  • Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy

Related Research Fields

  • Biology


  • Disease modeling
  • Drug discovery and development
  • Disease-specific iPS cells

Selected Publications

  • 1. Otsuka Y, Imamura K, Oishi A, Asakawa K, Kondo T, Nakai R, Suga M, Inoue I, Sagara Y, Tsukita K, Teranaka K, Nishimura Y, Watanabe A, Umeyama K, Okushima N, Mitani K, Nagashima H, Kawakami K, Muguruma K, Tsujikawa A and Inoue H.:
    "Phototoxicity avoidance is a potential therapeutic approach for retinal dystrophy caused by EYS dysfunction"
    JCI Insight (2024)
  • 2. Nonaka H, Kondo T, Suga M, Yamanaka R, Sagara Y, Tsukita K, Mitsutomi N, Homma K, Saito R, Miyoshi F, Ohzeki H, Okuyama M, Inoue H.:
    "Induced pluripotent stem cell-based assays recapture multiple properties of human astrocytes"
    Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (2024)
  • 3. Suzuki H, Egawa N, Imamura K, Kondo T, Enami T, Tsukita K, Suga M, Yada Y, Shibukawa R, Takahashi R, Inoue H.:
    "Mutant α-synuclein causes death of human cortical neurons via ERK1/2 and JNK activation."
    Molecular Brain (2024)
  • 4. Suong D, Imamura K, Kato Y, Inoue H.:
    "Design of neural organoids engineered by mechanical forces."
    IBRO Neuroscience Reports (2024)
  • 5. Kondo T, Inoue I, Umeyama K, Watanabe M, Matsunari H, Uchikura A, Nakano K, Tsukita K, Imamura K, Nagashima H, Inoue H.:
    "A Transgenic Pig Model With Human Mutant SOD1 Exhibits the Early Pathology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis."
    Laboratory Investigation (2023)
  • 6. Kondo T, Yada Y, Ikeuchi T, Inoue H.:
    "CDiP technology for reverse engineering of sporadic Alzheimer's disease."
    Journal of Human Genetic(2022)
  • 7. Otsuka Y, Imamura K, Oishi A, Kondo T, Suga M, Yada Y, Shibukawa R, Okanishi Y, Sagara Y, Tsukita K, Tsujikawa A, Inoue H.:
    "One-step induction of photoreceptor-like cells from human iPSCs by delivering transcription factors"
    iScience (2022)
  • 8. Kondo T, Hara N, Koyama S, Yada Y, Tsukita K, Nagahashi A, Ikeuchi T, Ishii K, Asada T, Arai T, Yamada R, Japanese Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (J-ADNI), Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), Inoue H.:
    "Dissection of the polygenic architecture of neuronal Aβ production using a large sample of individual iPSC lines derived from Alzheimer's disease patients"
    Nature Aging (2022)
  • 9. Suong D, Imamura K, Inoue I, Kabai R, Sakamoto S, Okumura T, Kato Y, Kondo T, Yada Y, Klein WL, Watanabe A, Inoue H.:
    "Induction of inverted morphology in brain organoids by vertical-mixing bioreactors"
    Communication Biology, DOI: 10.1038/s42003-021-02719-5 (2021)
  • 10. Yada Y, Suga M, Shibukawa R, Sagara Y, Okanishi Y, Enami T, Tsukita K, Kondo T, Imamura K, Sugihara G, Murai T, Inoue H.:
    "Establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells from schizophrenia discordant fraternal twins"
    Stem Cell Research, 55: 102504, DOI: 10.1016/j.scr.2021.102504 (2021)


  • Haruhisa Inoue, Yukio Nakamura (Editors):
    "Medical Applications of iPS Cells - Inovation in Medical Sciences" Springer, (2019)

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Lab Members

Principal investigator

Haruhisa Inoue
Team Leader

Core members

Mika Suga
Research & Development Scientist
Risako Nakai
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ran Shibukawa
Technical Staff II
Yukako Sagara
Technical Staff II
Takeshi Niki
Technical Staff II
Yaya Taketsuna
Technical Staff II

Contact Information

Laboratory Wing 7F, Keihanna Plaza (Keihanna Science City)
1-7 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0237, Japan
Email: Inoue-brc@ml.riken.jp
