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Headquarters for Academia and Industry Partnership

Masanori Nagai Director: Masanori Nagai

Along with driving social reform and creation of a future society, the Headquarters for Academia and Industry Partnership will take measures to integrate knowledge into society and advance technology transfer by strengthening collaboration with new industries, universities, and research institutions and linking the value of new knowledge created by RIKEN to solution of social challenges.

We will carry out future society- and science-driven co-creation activities in the form of organization-to-organization links with industries that create new knowledge-intensive value, and promote collaboration with universities, research institutes, and other organizations based on organizational networks, proactively making proposals and advance communication.


List of Organizations

Contact Information

Administrative Headquarters
2-1 Hirosawa
Wako, Saitama
351-0198 Japan
Email: cs-office [at] riken.jp
