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Karolinska Institutet ‒ RIKEN Joint International Doctoral Course 2023 Bioinformatics Analysis and Visualisation of Medical Genomics Data

Karolinska Institutet (KI), which focuses on state-of-the-art high-throughput molecular technologies and bioinformatics. RIKEN and KI have a long-standing collaborative relationship since 2001 and promoting the scientific exchange of young talents between Japan and Sweden is one the major goals of the RIKEN and SciLifeLab/KI collaborative effort. The purpose of the course is to enhance both basic understandings and practical skills in bioinformatics analysis, to offer students a platform for interaction and learning from researchers at top-tier research institutions and to facilitate both scientific and cultural exchange between students from Japan and Sweden.

Date Oct 4-18, 2023
  • Week 1: Oct 4-10: Work on task assignments from home
  • Week 2: Oct 11-17: Onsite Work/Lecture at RIKEN Yokohama
Time 9:00-17:00
Participants Graduate students
Event style Onsite
Language English
6F Conference Room, North Building
Application Application Deadline: Aug 24, 2023 (students from Japanese Universities)
For more details, please refer to the following link:
Karolinska Institutet ‒ RIKEN Joint International Doctoral Course 2023
Bioinformatics Analysis and Visualisation of Medical Genomics Data | IMS
Contact ki_riken_course.gsc [at] riken.jp
