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The 165nd RIKEN BRC SEMINAR "Using stem cells and genetic tools to study and treat retinal diseases"

Date June 20, 2023
Time 12:00-13:00 (JST)
Language English
Venue Online (Zoom)
(The Zoom connection address will be sent to those who apply.)
The invited lecturer Dr. Raymond Wong
(Associate professor, Principal Investigator at the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA), University of Melbourne)
Details For more details, please refer to the following links:
The 165nd RIKEN BRC SEMINAR website
The 165nd RIKEN BRC SEMINAR Poster
Contact BRC Seminar Secretariat
Email: info-brc-seminar [at] ml.riken.jp
Please contact the above for applications and inquiries.
RIKEN BioResource Research Center website
