RIKEN’s Open Day events are a great opportunity to explore the cutting-edge science being carried out at Japan’s top research institute. In April, events will be held at our Wako, Tsukuba, and Harima campuses.
If you are in the Tokyo area, Wako, RIKEN’s largest campus is just a short train ride from Ikebukuro. The Wako campus will be open from 9:00 to 4:00 pm on Saturday, April 20, giving visitors a chance to see the wide range of research being done here. Some of the highlights will be lectures on manipulating individual molecules, the discovery of a new element of the periodic table, and the fascinating new field of emergent matter. Other lectures will present explanations of photosynthesis, computer simulations, parasitic plants, neutron beams, and the manipulation of light. Many laboratories will be open to the public, so feel free to come and explore.
Please visit the directions to Wako campus to know how to get there.
If you are willing to travel a bit further north, the Tsukuba campus in Ibaraki, whose main mission is the provision of bioresources for research in the life sciences, will be holding its open day on Friday, April 19 in the afternoon and all day on Saturday, April 20. Lectures there will cover the world of microorganisms and iPS cells, which become well-known recently with the awarding of a Nobel Prize. Children will have fun riding the miniature train and engaging in a number of hands-on activities.
For those in the Kansai region, the Harima campus, which carries out research using light sources to peer into the structure of matter, will be open to the public on Saturday, April 27. Visitors will be able to see the large-scale SPring-8 and SACLA facilities, and listen to lectures on creating new elements, recycling rare metals, and analyzing the structure of matter using the SACLA laser.
Instructions on how to get to Tsukuba and Harima are available on the Access webpage.
RIKEN’s other centers will also be holding open days later in the year.