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Oct. 27, 2015

RIKEN-Academia Sinica Joint Conference on Chemical Biology

Group photo of participants of the conference

On October 15 and 16, the RIKEN-Academia Sinica Joint Conference on Chemical Biology was held at Academia Sinica in Taipei. This is the second event focusing on chemical biology held by the two institutions, who since 2001 have conducted cooperation in a variety of scientific fields.

Following an address by Academia Sinica President Chi-Huey Wong, the conference featured presentations by ten RIKEN researchers, mostly from institute laboratories and from the Center for Sustainable Resource Science, as well as from participants from Taiwan from Academia Sinica’s Genomics Research Center, Institute of Biological Chemistry, and Institute of Chemistry. The conference was open to the public and was attended by approximately 100 people, including students from Academia Sinica.

To download the program, please visit the link to the conference website
