Oct. 21, 2024
President Gonokami meets H.E. Ms. Sari Multala, Finnish Minister of Science and Culture
On October 6, President Gonokami met with Her Excellency Ms. Sari Multala, the Minister of Science and Culture of the Republic of Finland, at the Kyoto International Conference Center. In their meeting, they discussed the importance of cooperation between Finland and Japan in science and technology, as well as future initiatives. They also discussed further cooperation in fields such as high-performance computing.
On October 5, Minister Multala and Her Excellency Ms. Tanja Jääskeläinen, the Ambassador of the Republic of Finland visited the RIKEN Kobe Campus. The delegation was given a tour of the supercomputer, Fugaku, and other facilities of the RIKEN Center for Computational Science by Deputy Director Yasumasa Watanabe and Deputy Director Yuji Sugita.