Pamphlets & History Book
The pamphlets below offer an introduction both to RIKEN and to its many centers, labs, facilities and programs.
Learn about RIKEN's national of research centers and facilities, its overseas offices, its history, as well as facts and figures on its budget, personnel and research output in this short pamphlet. For a more detailed overview of RIKEN's yearly activities, see also the Reports section.
- RIKEN at a Glance 2023
- RIKEN at a Glance 2022
- RIKEN at a Glance 2020-2021
- RIKEN at a Glance 2018
- RIKEN at a Glance 2017
- RIKEN at a Glance
Introduction to RIKEN's Centers, Labs and Faciiities
The pamphlets below offer an introduction both to RIKEN and to its many centers, labs, facilities and programs. For more information on RIKEN's centers and labs, see also the Centers & Labs page.
- RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Brain Science pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science Calatog
- RIKEN Information R&D and Strategy Headquarters
- RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences pamphlet
- RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science pamphlet
- RIKEN BNL Research Center (in English & Japanese) pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science pamphlet
- RIKEN BioResource Research Center pamphlet
- RIKEN Center for Computational Science pamphlet
- RIKEN SPring-8 Center pamphlet: Why Do We Need Synchrotron Radiation Facilities ?
History book and recent interviews of researchers.