RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project Data-Driven Biomedical Science Team
Team Leader: Ichiro Takeuchi (D.Eng.)
Research Summary
In the field of biomedical science, rapid advances in measurement technology allow us to collect a massive scientific dataset. An attempt aiming for a new scientific discovery based on such a massive scientific dataset is now realized as the fourth scientific paradigm followed by traditional three approaches based on theory, experiment, and simulation. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, we have a chance to find novel scientific hypotheses which are difficult to obtain only from knowledge and experiences of human experts. In our team, we study fundamental computational and mathematical techniques for data-driven scientific discovery, and demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques in the field of biomedical science.
Main Research Fields
- Computer Science
Related Research Fields
- Materials Sciences
- Biology & Biochemistry
- Molecular Biology & Genetics
- Clinical Medicine
- Mathematics
Research Subjects
- Data Science
Selected Publications
Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.
- 1.*Toyoura K., Hirano D., Seko A., Shiga M., Kuwabara A., Karasuyama M., Shitara K., and Takeuchi I.:
"Machine-learning-based selective sampling procedure for identifying the low-energy region in a potential energy surface: A case study on proton conduction in oxides"
Physical Review B, 93 054112 (2016). - 2.*Nakagawa K., Suzumura S., Karasuyama M., Tsuda K., and Takeuchi I.:
"Safe Pattern Pruning: An Efficient Approach for Predictive Pattern Mining"
Proceedings of The 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2016) (2016). - 3.*Shibagaki A., Karasuyama M., Hatano K., and Takeuchi I.:
"Simultaneous Safe Screening of Features and Samples in Doubly Sparse Modeling"
Proceedings of The 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2016) (2016). - 4.*Takeuchi I., Hongo T., Sugiyama M., and Nakajima S.:
"Parametric Task Learning"
Proceedings of The 27th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS2013) (2013). - 5.*Karasuyama M., Harada N., Sugiyama M., and Takeuchi I.:
"Multi-parametric solution-path algorithm for instance-weighted support vector machines"
Machine Learning, 88, 297-330 (2012). - 6.*Takeuchi I., and Sugiyama M.:
"Target neighbor consistent feature weighting for nearest neighbor classification"
Proceedings of The 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS2011) (2011). - 7.*Karasuyama M., and Takeuchi I.:
"Multiple incremental decremental learning of support vector machines",
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 21, 1048-1059 (2010). - 8.*Takeuchi I., Tagawa H., Tsujikawa A., Nakagawa M., Katayama M., Guo Y., and Seto M:
"The potential of copy number gains and losses, detected by array-based comparative genomic hybridization, for computational differential diagnosis of B-cell lymphomas and genetic regions involved in lymphomagenesis"
Haematologica-The Hematology Journal, 94, 61-69 (2009). - 9.*Takeuchi I., Nomura K., and Kanamori T.:
"Nonparametric conditional density estimation using piecewise-linear solution path of kernel quantile regression"
Neural Computation, 21, 2, 533-559 (2009). - 10.*Takeuchi I., Le QV., Sears TD., and Smola AJ:
"Nonparametric quantile estimation",
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 7, 1231-1264 (2006).
Related Links
Lab Members
Principal investigator
- Ichiro Takeuchi
- Team Leader
Core members
- Hiroyuki Hanada
- Research Scientist
- Noriaki Hashimoto
- Research Scientist
- Shigeyuki Matsui
- Senior Visiting Scientist
- Toru Ujihara
- Visiting Scientist
- Keiichi Inoue
- Visiting Scientist
- Vo Nguyen Le Duy
- Visiting Scientist
- Shion Takeno
- Visiting Scientist
- Kentaro Kutsukake
- Visiting Scientist
- Shuichi Nishino
- Junior Research Associate
- Onur Boyar
- Research Part-time Worker I
- Xudong Chen
- Research Part-time Worker I
Contact Information
#427 4th Floor Bldg. 2, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku,
Nagoya, Aichi,
464-8603, Japan
Email: ichiro.takeuchi [at] riken.jp