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RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science Emergent Molecular Electronics Research Team

Team Leader: Shun Watanabe (Ph.D.)

Research Summary

Shun Watanabe

Organic compounds with a unique skeleton called a pi-conjugated system exhibit various physical properties. Our team uses an original technology that precisely combines polymers and small molecules with ions to develop “metallic plastic materials” that conduct electrons and heat like a metal. Our team conducts consistent research from basic to applied sciences in the sense of understanding the physical properties, synthesizing new materials, and returning the value of these materials to society.

Main Research Fields

  • Mathematical & Physical Sciences

Related Research Fields

  • Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering
  • Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
  • Polyer Chemistry
  • Atomic/Molecular/Quantum electronics


  • Molecular Electronics
  • Polymer Physics
  • Organic semiconductors
  • Printing Process
  • Low-temperature electronic properties

Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

  • 1. *Naotaka Kasuya, Junto Tsurumi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Shun Watanabe*, and Jun Takeya* (*correspondingauthor)
    "Two-dimensional hole gas in organic semiconductors",
    Nature Materials 20 1401 (2021).
  • 2. *Yu Yamashita, Junto Tsurumi, Masahiro Ohno, Ryo Fujimoto, Shohei Kumagai, Tadanori Kurosawa,Toshihiro Okamoto, Jun Takeya, and Shun Watanabe* (*corresponding author)
    "Efficient molecular doping of polymeric semiconductors driven by anion exchange",
    Nature, 572, 634 (2019).
  • 3. *Junto Tsurumi, Hiroyuki Matsui, Takayoshi Kubo, Roger Hausermann, Chikahiko Mitsui, Toshihiro Okamoto, Shun Watanabe*, and Jun Takeya* (*corresponding author)
    "Coexistence of ultra-long spin relaxation time and coherent charge transport in organic single-crystal semiconductors"
    Nature Physics, 13, 994 (2017)
  • 4. *Keehoon Kang*, Shun Watanabe*, Katharina Broch, Alessandro Sepe, Adam Brown, Iyad Nasrallah, Mark Nikolka, Zhuping Fei, Martin Heeney, Daisuke Matsumoto, Kazuhiro Marumoto, Hisaaki Tanaka, Shin-ichi Kuroda, and Henning Sirringhaus (*equal contribution)
    "2D coherent charge transport in highly ordered conducting polymers doped by solid state diffusion",
    Nature Materials, 15, 896 (2016).
  • 5. *Shun Watanabe*, Kazuya Ando*, Keehoon Kang, Sebastian Mooser, Yana Vaynzof, Hidekazu Kurebayashi, Eiji Saitoh, and Henning Sirringhaus (*equal contribution)
    "Polaron spin current transport in organic semiconductors",
    Nature Physics, 10, 308 (2014).

Lab Members

Principal investigator

Shun Watanabe
Team Leader

Contact Information

501 Cooperation Center
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama
351-0198 Japan
Email: shun.watanabe.ey@riken.jp
