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RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science Emergent Spintronics Research Team

Team Leader: Eiji Saitoh (Ph.D.)

Research Summary


Our research team is conducting research on various quantum spintronics phenomena in nanoscale shape-controlled composite structures of magnetic materials, inorganic and organic semiconductors, and superconductors. Focusing on quantum spin dynamics, spin transport, and the interaction between spin and macroscopic order parametons, we are conducting experiments using methods such as transport measurements, optical measurements, and ultralow temperature microwave spectroscopy. Through this research, we aim to extend spintronics to the quantum domain, construct a fundamental physics system, and apply it to information processing and energy conversion.

Main Research Fields

  • Mathematical & Physical Sciences

Related Research Fields

  • Engineering
  • Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering
  • Condensed matter physics and related fields
  • Applied condensed matter physics and related fields
  • Nano/micro science and related fields


  • spintronics
  • energy conversion
  • quantum device
  • quantum information
  • machine learning physics

Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

  • 1. *Saitoh, E., Ueda, M., Miyajima, H., and Tatara, G.:
    "Conversion of spin current into charge current at room temperature: inverse spin-Hall effect"
    Applied Physics Letters 88 182509 (2006).
  • 2. *Uchida, K., Takahashi, S., Harii, K., Ieda, J., Koshibae, W., Ando, K., Maekawa, S., and Saitoh, E.:
    "Observation of the spin Seebeck effect"
    Nature 455 778-781 (2008).
  • 3. *Kajiwara, Y., Harii, K., Takahashi, S., Ohe, J., Uchida, K., Mizuguchi, M., Umezawa, H., Kawai, H., Ando, K., Takanashi, K., Maekawa, S., and Saitoh, E.:
    "Transmission of electrical signals by spin-wave interconversion in a magnetic insulator"
    Nature 464 262-266 (2010).
  • 4. *Takahashi, R., Matsuo, M., Ono, M., Harii, K., Chudo, H., Okayasu, S., Ieda, J., Takahashi, S., Maekawa, S., and Saitoh, E.:
    "Spin hydrodynamic generation"
    Nature Physics 12 52-56 (2015).
  • 5. *Hirobe, D., Sato, M., Kawamata, T., Shiomi, Y., Uchida, K., Iguchi, R., Koike, Y., Maekawa, S., and Saitoh, E.:
    "One-dimensional spinon spin currents"
    Nature Physics 13 20-34 (2017).
  • 6. *Uchida, K., Daimon, S., Iguchi, R., and Saitoh, E.:
    "Observation of anisotropic magneto-Peltier effect in nickel"
    Nature 558 95-99 (2018).
  • 7. *Shiomi, Y., Lustikova, J., Watanabe, S., Hirobe, D., Takahashi S., and Saitoh, E.:
    "Spin pumping from nuclear spin waves"
    Nature Physics 15 22-26 (2019).
  • 8. *Kikkawa, T., Reitz, D., Ito, H., Makiuchi, T., Sugimoto, T., Tsunekawa, K., Daimon, S., Oyanagi, K., Ramos, R., Takahashi, S., Shiomi, Y., Tserkovnyak Y., and Saitoh, E.:
    "Observation of nuclear-spin Seebeck effect"
    Nature Communications 12 4356 (2021).
  • 9. *Daimon, S., Tsunekawa, K., Kawakami, S., Kikkawa, T., Ramos, R., Oyanagi, K., Ohtsuki T., and Saitoh, E.:
    "Deciphering quantum fingerprints in electric conductance"
    Nature Communications 13 3160 (2022).
  • 10. *Makiuchi, T., Hioki, T., Shimizu, H., Hoshi, K., Elyasi, M., Yamamoto, K., Yokoi, N., Serga, A. A., Hillebrands, B., Bauer, G. E. W., and Saitoh, E.:
    "Persistent magnetic coherence in magnets”
    Nature Materials 23, 627–632 (2024).

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Lab Members

Principal investigator

Eiji Saitoh
Team Leader

Core members

Takahiko Makiuchi
Research Scientist
Tomosato Hioki
Visiting Scientist
Hiroki Arisawa
Visiting Scientist
Naoto Yokoi
Visiting Scientist
Koujiro Hoshi
Visiting Scientist
Alexey Kaverzin
Visiting Scientist

Contact Information

Frontier Research Laboratory
2-1 Hirosawa,
Wako, Saitama
351-0198, Japan
Email: eiji.saitoh [at] riken.jp
