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RIKEN Center for Computational Science Field Theory Research Team

Team Leader: Yasumichi Aoki (Ph.D.)

Research Summary

Yasumichi  Aoki(Ph.D.)

Inferring theoretical predictions from the Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles, which explains most of the existing experimental and observational results of particle physics, often require numerical computation procedures to solve Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) comprised in the SM. These include the predictions of the behavior of particle systems in extreme conditions such as high temperature and/or density, and precision tests of the SM using hadronic reactions as well as investigation of physics beyond the SM.

Numerical simulations with lattice QCD techniques using a realistic set of parameters are becoming feasible. However, many significant questions remain unsolved, which we are addressing by employing lattice methods while preserving as many important symmetries as possible-the symmetries often sacrificed to make the simulations less demanding. In order to use supercomputer Fugaku for such demanding computations, we will develop algorithms, analysis methods, and codes, while performing computation on existing HPC resources. In the first principle computations of the models, we aim to bridge the energy scale layers, and thereby reveal the nature of the evolution of the universe and the mechanism of matter creation in it.

Main Research Fields

  • Mathematical & Physical Sciences

Related Research Fields

  • Physics
  • Particle


  • Elementary Particle Theory
  • Lattice Gauge Theory
  • Large Scale Numerical Computations

Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

  • 1. S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, G. Cossu, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko, C. Rohrhofer, K. Suzuki (JLQCD collaboration):
    "Study of axial U(1) anomaly at high temperature with lattice chiral fermions"
    Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 074506.
  • 2. C. Rohrhofer, Y. Aoki, L.Ya. Glozman, S. Hashimoto:
    "Chiral-spin symmetry of the meson spectral function above Tc"
    Phys.Lett. B802 (2020) 135245.
  • 3. C. Rohrhofer, Y. Aoki, G. Cossu, H. Fukaya, C. Gattringer, L.Ya. Glozman, S. Hashimoto, C.B. Lang, S. Prelovsek:
    "Symmetries of spatial meson correlators in high temperature QCD"
    Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.1, 014502
  • 4. Eigo Shintani, Yoshinobu Kuramashi (PACS Collaboration):
    "Hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g−2 with 2+1 flavor lattice QCD on a larger than (10 fm)4 lattice at the physical point"
    Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.3, 034517.
  • 5. Daisuke Kadoh, Yoshinobu Kuramashi, Yoshifumi Nakamura, Ryo Sakai, Shinji Takeda , Yusuke Yoshimura:
    "Tensor network analysis of critical coupling in two dimensional ϕ4 theory"
    JHEP 1905 (2019) 184.
  • 6. Yoshifumi Nakamura, Hideaki Oba, Shinji Takeda:
    "Tensor Renormalization Group Algorithms with a Projective Truncation Method"
    Phys.Rev. B99 (2019) no.15, 155101.
  • 7. Aoki, Y., Izubuchi, T., Shintani, E., and Soni, A.:
    "Improved lattice computation of proton decay matrix elements"
    Phys. Rev. D 96, 014506, 1-17. (2017).
  • 8. Aoki, Y., et al.: (LatKMI Collaboration)
    "Light flavor-singlet scalars and walking signals in Nf = 8 QCD on the lattice"
    Phys. Rev. D 96, 014508-1–57. (2017).
  • 9. Aoki. Y., et al.: (RBC and UKQCD Collaborations).
    "Continuum Limit Physics from 2+1 Flavor Domain Wall QCD"
    Phys. Rev. D 83, 074508-1-72. (2011).
  • 10. *Aoki, Y., Endrodi, G., Fodor, Z., Katz, S., Krieg, S., and Szabo, K.:
    "The order of the quantum chromodynamics transition predicted by the standard model of particle physics"
    Nature 443, 675-678. (2006).

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Lab Members

Principal investigator

Yasumichi Aoki
Team Leader

Core members

Jishnu Goswami
Postdoctoral Researcher
Issaku Kanamori
Research Scientist
Yoshifumi Nakamura
Technical Scientist
Katsumasa Nakayama
Postdoctoral Researcher
Keigo Nitadori
Technical Scientist
Sinya Aoki
Senior Visiting Scientist
Shoji Hashimoto
Senior Visiting Scientist
Masafumi Fukuma
Visiting Scientist
C.-J. David Lin
Visiting Scientist
Akio Tomiya
Visiting Scientist


Position Deadline
Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher (R-CCS2315) Open until filled

Contact Information

RIKEN Center for Computational Science(R-CCS)
7-1-26 Minatojima-minami-machi,
Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
650-0047, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)78-940-5662
Fax: +81-(0)78-304-4961
Email: yasumichi.aoki [at] riken.jp
