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RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing Nanophotonic Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Research Team

Team Leader: Takao Aoki (Ph.D.)

Research Summary

Takao Aoki

Our research team study cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) based on nanophotonic devices. A cavity QED system is a hybrid system with photons and atoms confined in an optical cavity, and it is an ideal interface between atomic and photonic qubits. We develop novel nanophotonic devices, such as optical nanofiber cavities, and construct cavity QED systems. Based on such systems, we will aim to realize scalable quantum technologies.

Main Research Fields

  • Mathematical & Physical Sciences

Related Research Fields

  • Engineering
  • Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering
  • Atoms and Molecules
  • Quantum Electronics
  • Quantum Information


  • Nanophotonics
  • Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
  • Quantum Optics

Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

  • 1. *S. Kato and T. Aoki.:
    "Single-frequency fiber Fabry-Perot Brillouin laser"
    Opt. Lett. 47, 5000 (2022).
  • 2. *S. K. Ruddell, K. E. Webb, M. Takahata, S. Kato, and T. Aoki.:
    "Ultra-low-loss nanofiber Fabry-Perot cavities optimized for cavity quantum electrodynamics"
    Opt. Lett. 45, 4875 (2020).
  • 3. *D. H. White, S. Kato, N. Nemet, S. Parkins, and T. Aoki.:
    "Cavity Dark Mode of Distant Coupled Atom-Cavity Systems"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 253603 (2019).
  • 4. *S. Kato, N. Nemet, K. Senga, S. Mizukami, X. Huang, S. Parkins, and T. Aoki.:
    "Observation of dressed states of distant atoms with delocalized photons in coupled-cavities quantum electrodynamics"
    Nature Communications 10, 1160 (2019).
  • 5. *S. Kato and T. Aoki.:
    "Strong Coupling between a Trapped Single Atom and an All-Fiber Cavity"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 093603 (2015).
  • 6. *R. Nagai and T. Aoki.:
    "Ultra-low-loss tapered optical fibers with minimal lengths"
    Opt. Express 23, 28427-28436 (2014).
  • 7. *T. Aoki, G. Takahashi, T. Kajiya, J. Yoshikawa, S. L. Braunstein, P. van Loock, and A. Furusawa.:
    "Quantum error correction beyond qubits",
    Nature Physics 5, 541 (2009).
  • 8. *T. Aoki, A. S. Parkins, D. J. Alton, C. A. Regal, B. Dayan, E. Ostby, K. J. Vahala, and H. J. Kimble.:
    "Efficient Routing of Single Photons by One Atom and a Microtoroidal Cavity"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 083601 (2009).
  • 9. *B. Dayan, A. S. Parkins, T. Aoki, E. P. Ostby, K. J. Vahala, and H. J. Kimble.:
    "A Photon Turnstile Dynamically Regulated by One Atom"
    Science 319, 1062 (2008).
  • 10. *T. Aoki, B. Dayan, E. Wilcut, W. P. Bowen, A. S. Parkins, T. J. Kippenberg, K. J. Vahala, and H. J. Kimble.:
    "Observation of strong coupling between one atom and a monolithic microresonator"
    Nature 443, 671 (2006).

Lab Members

Principal investigator

Takao Aoki
Team Leader


Position Deadline
Seeking a few Senior Scientists, Research Scientists, Postdoctoral Researchers or Research Associates (W24140) Open until filled

Contact Information

Email: takao.aoki [at] riken.jp
