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RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing Quantum Many-Body Dynamics Research Team

Team Leader: Takeshi Fukuhara (D.Sc.)

Research Summary

Takeshi  Fukuhara(Ph.D.)

Modern technology has been progressed based on understanding of quantum many-body systems. In addition to the conventional study of equilibrium states, non-equilibrium dynamics plays an important role in developing further intriguing materials and advancing quantum information processing technology. In this research team, we investigate non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems using ultracold atomic gases. Advantages of ultracold-atom experiments are simplicity and excellent controllability of the parameters, including dimensions, of the systems. Especially, a quantum gas loaded into periodic potential generated by a laser (optical lattice) can mimic fundamental models in the strongly correlated physics, and it can be used as a platform for quantum information processing. Utilizing such systems, we investigate real-time and real-space dynamics, and also control the many-body dynamics.

Main Research Fields

  • Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering

Related Research Fields

  • Engineering


  • Quantum information
  • Quantum simulation
  • Quantum dynamics
  • Cold atoms
  • Optical lattice

Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

  • 1. Ozawa, H., Yamamoto, R., and Fukuhara T.:
    "Observation of chiral-mode domains in a frustrated XY model on optical triangular lattices"
    Physical Review Research 5, L042026 (2023).
  • 2. Yamamoto, R., Ozawa, H., Nak, D. C., Nakamura, I., and Fukuhara, T.:
    "Single-site-resolved imaging of ultracold atoms in a triangular optical lattice"
    New Journal of Physics 22, 123028 (2020).
  • 3. Schäfer, F., Fukuhara, T., Sugawa, S., Takasu, Y., and Takahashi, Y.:
    "Tools for quantum simulation with ultracold atoms in optical lattices"
    Nature Reviews Physics 2, 411-425 (2020).
  • 4. Yamamoto, D., Fukuhara, T., and Danshita, I.:
    "Frustrated quantum magnetism with Bose gases in triangular optical lattices at negative absolute temperatures"
    Communications Physics 3, 56 (2020).
  • 5. Nakamura, I., Kanemura, A., Nakaso, T., Yamamoto, R., and Fukuhara, T.:
    "Non-standard trajectories found by machine learning for evaporative cooling of 87Rb atoms"
    Optics Express 27, 20435-20443 (2019).
  • 6. Fukuhara, T., Hild, S., Zeiher J., Schauβ, P., Bloch, I., Endres, M., and Gross, C.:
    "Spatially Resolved Detection of a Spin-Entanglement Wave in a Bose-Hubbard Chain"
    Physical Review Letters 115, 035302 (2015)
  • 7. *Fukuhara, T., Schauß, P., Endres M., Hild, S., Cheneau, M., Bloch, I., and Gross, C.:
    "Microscopic observation of magnon bound states and their dynamics"
    Nature 502, 76-79 (2013).
  • 8. *Fukuhara, T., Kantian, A., Endres, M., Cheneau, M., Schauß, P., Hild, S., Bellem, D., Schollwöck, U., Giamarchi, T., Gross, C., Bloch, I., and Kuhr, S.:
    "Quantum dynamics of a mobile spin impurity"
    Nature Physics 9, 235-241 (2013).
  • 9. *Weitenberg, C., Endres M., Sherson, J. F., Cheneau, M., Schauß, P., Fukuhara, T., Bloch, I., and Kuhr, S.:
    "Single-Spin Addressing in an Atomic Mott Insulator"
    Nature 471, 319-324 (2011).
  • 10. *Fukuhara, T., Takasu, Y., Kumakura, M., and Takahashi, Y.:
    "Degenerate Fermi Gases of Ytterbium"
    Physical Review Letters 98, 030401 (2007).

Recent Research Results

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Lab Members

Principal investigator

Takeshi Fukuhara
Team Leader

Core members

Ryuta Yamamoto
Research Scientist
Yoichiro Otsuka
Technical Staff I
Hideki Ozawa
Visiting Scientist
Daisuke Yamamoto
Visiting Scientist


Position Deadline
Seeking a few Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers (W24217) Open until filled
Seeking a few Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers (W24216) Open until filled

Contact Information

Laser Science Laboratory, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama
351-0198, Japan
Email: takeshi.fukuhara@riken.jp
