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TRIP Headquarters RIKEN Program for Drug Discovery and Medical Technology Platforms (DMP)

Program Director: Okazaki Hiroshi (Ph.D.)

Hiroshi  Okazaki (Ph.D.)

Drug discovery is a process that takes place when two elements—target molecules that can control specific disease conditions, and modalities that can control target molecules— come together. When it is shown that an agent made using target molecules and modalities improves the symptoms of a disease or even leads to a cure, it acquires value as a drug.

The mission of the RIKEN Program for Drug Discovery and Medical Technology Platforms (DMP) is to uncover research ideas for creating drugs using target molecules and modalities based on basic research conducted at individual research centers within RIKEN and other research institutes, including universities, and to create drug candidates such as small molecule compounds, antibody therapies, cell-based drugs and regenerative medicine through collaboration among the drug discovery platform units established at individual research centers. In addition, we promote research on drug discovery and medical technology with the aim to acquire intellectual property and support drug discovery and medical technology projects for translational research at the non-clinical and clinical stages. Our ultimate goal is to transfer these projects to companies and medical institutions at an appropriate stage.

Fields of focus

  • 1.Modalities for drug discovery
  • 2.Small molecule drugs
  • 3.Monoclonal antibody drugs and vaccines
  • 4.Cell-based drugs and regenerative medicine
  • 5.New technology for drug discovery and medical technology platforms

Theme & Project

Drug Discovery Platform Units at RIKEN research centers

Drug Discovery Antibody Platform Unit (IMS)
Kazuhiko Yamamoto (M.D., Ph.D.)
aAVC Drug Translational Unit (IMS)
Shin-ichiro Fujii (M.D., Ph.D)
Neuroscience Drug Discovery Unit (CBS)
Hiroyuki Kamiguchi (M.D., Ph.D.)

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Lab Members

Principal investigator

Okazaki Hiroshi
Program Director

Contact Information

1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan
Email: trip_pr [at] ml.riken.jp
