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Facts & Figures

As a community of scientists, RIKEN takes facts and figures very seriously. This section provides details on the breakdown of our staff by gender and nationality, as well as figures on RIKEN's budget profile, income and expenditures. For further information on the activities of individual centers and labs, see also the Reports section.


RIKEN is a large organization, with over 3,000 employees working at a number of campuses throughout Japan. Personnel at RIKEN are employed as either permanent or fixed-term research or administrative staff. Research staff outnumber administrative staff by a ratio of roughly 5 to 1. The gender balance of employees is roughly 60% male to 40% female.

Diversity is at the heart of RIKEN's research environment, and this is no better illustrated than in the strong numbers, by Japanese standards, of international and female staff who play a vital role in RIKEN's success today.

Non-Japanese scientists working at RIKEN come from all over the world. The two largest groups come from two of Japan's closest neighbors, China and Korea, while there are also a significant number from the United States, India, and European countries.

A figure showing nationality of RIKEN's foreign employees. 542 from Asia, 19 from Middle East, 10 from Africa, 17 from Oceania, 181 from Europe, 21 from Latin America and 62 from Notrh America.

Breakdown of RIKEN scientists by country/region** (as of Oct 1, 2023)

*Figures include only scientists directly employed by RIKEN.

**Figures include full- and part-time scientists, technicians and students employed by RIKEN as well as those not directly employed by RIKEN (for example researchers funded by an external organization).


As a national research and development institute, RIKEN receives the bulk of its funding from the Japanese government. The largest proportion of RIKEN's income is derived from government grants that fund RIKEN's general operations and facility maintenance. Government subsidies for the operation and construction of major facilities have constituted a significant proportion of total income in recent years.

RIKEN also strives to generate income through competitive grants and from collaborations with industry or royalty income.

Figure showing the budget from FY2022 to 2024. In FY2024, 55,348 for Government funding for operations, 28,946 for Government subsidies for large-scale facilities, 15,755 for Self-generated income, 3,077 for Subsidy for Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform project, 0 for Government subsidies for facilities and 763 for Income from shared use of large-scaled facilities.

Breakdown of RIKEN budget by year (in million JPY)

Figure showing RIKEN's revenues in FY2024. 55,348 for Government funding for operations, 873 for Operational and non-operational income, 0 for Government subsidies for facilities, 28,946 for Government subsidies for large-scale facilities, 763 for Income from shared use of large-scaled facilities, 3,077 for Subsidy for Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform project and 14,882 for Commissioned projects income.
Figure showing RIKEN's expenditures in FY2024. 28,910 for Research projects, 18,320 for Research infrastructure management, 8,991 for Personnel and administration, 0 for Facilities, 29,709 for Operation and construction of large-scale facilities, 3,077 for Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform and 14,882 for Commissioned research.

Revenue by source (upper) and expenditure by category (lower) in FY2024 (in million JPY)
