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Visiting RIKEN

RIKEN offers individual and group tours of its campuses (Wako, Yokohama, Kobe, Harima and Tsukuba). No English tours are being offered currently, however, so if you wish to schedule a tour, please provide your own interpreter unless you are able to understand Japanese. On the Wako campus, tours are irregularly offered several times a year. Prior application (also in Japanese) is required.

Open Day

Image of Open Day on Wako Campus

One day a year, each RIKEN campus is open to all visitors on Open Day. Events and lectures are held that relate to the research being carried out on the campus. On this day some of our laboratories and advanced facilities are open to visitors for viewing. (Most events and lectures are in Japanese, though researchers at many labs can offer explanations in English.)

Visitor facilities

RIKEN Gallery

Image of RIKEN Gallery

2023's individual tour has been closed.

The RIKEN Gallery gives an overview of the whole of RIKEN, including its history, current research, and past research achievements.
Place: 1F, Exhibition Gallery, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama
Admission: Free
Hours: Weekdays 10:30-16:00

  • * Closed on RIKEN Foundation Day and year-end/new year holidays


Image of SPring-8

SPring-8, located on RIKEN’s Harima campus, is a large synchrotron radiation facility which delivers the most powerful synchrotron radiation currently available in the world. Also in the same location is the SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron Laser (SACLA).

For details on making arrangements to visit these facilities (by appointment only), or to visit the Public Relations Center and Exhibition Center, which are open daily, see SPring-8 site tour webpage.
