Q1-1. What is the purpose of the "@alum.riken.jp" email addresses?
The purpose of the alumni network?which uses these email addresses?is to serve as a base to link everyone who worked at RIKEN in the past.
Q1-2. What is the difference between "@riken.jp" and "@alum.riken.jp"?
"@riken.jp" may only be used by individuals currently working at RIKEN. If you are still working for RIKEN, please use your "@riken.jp" address. The "@alum.riken.jp" forwarding service may be used by individuals who have retired from RIKEN.
Q1-3. What mailings will be sent to "@alum.riken.jp" addresses?
In the future we plan to send notices from RIKEN.
Q1-4. Is it OK to list my "@alum.riken.jp" email address on the All RIKEN Telephone Directory?
Only list your "@riken.jp" on the All RIKEN Telephone Directory. For your RIKEN-related matters while you are employed at RIKEN, please use your "@riken.jp" address.
Q1-5. Do I have to register for the "@alum.riken.jp" email address?
If you do not wish to use the service,please send an email that includes the information shown below to the RIKEN email service secretariat at ob_address[at]ml.riken.jp.
RIKEN ID (if you remember)
Alumni email service address
Your current transfer destination mail address 1
Q1-6. How do I stop receiving the email magazine?
To stop receiving an email magazine you need to directly contact the magazine and request that they stop sending it to you.
Q2-1. Is it possible to use my "@alum.riken.jp" email address before I retire from RIKEN?
Yes, you may use your "@alum.riken.jp" address before you retire from RIKEN. However, for all work involving RIKEN while you are still an employee, please use you "@riken.jp" email address.
Q2-2. Is registration required for me to acquire the "@alum.riken.jp" email address?
If you were listed as a RIKEN employee as of September 1, 2017, you have been already given the "@alum.riken.jp" email address, so there is no need to register. If you retired from RIKEN before this date, you will need to send us (ob_addres[at]riken.jp) an email to request registration.
Q2-3. Until when may I use the "@alum.riken.jp" email address?
There is no term limitation for using the "@alum.riken.jp" email address. However, when membership inventory is conducted, and you do not reply to the automatically generated email as requested, your email address will be temporarily invalidated. To continue using the address, you need to reply to the email.
Q2-4. What will happen if I don’t use my "@alum.riken.jp" email address for an extended period of time?
If you are still employed at RIKEN, and you have not entered an email forwarding address on the, your "@alum.riken.jp" email address will become temporarily invalid at the same time your "@riken.jp" email address is cancelled. Use the and enter the "@alum.riken.jp" address in the "Automatic email forwarding address " field.
Q3-1. How do I change my email forwarding address?
Enter your new forwarding address on this
RIKEN alumni email address. The change will be effective in 2 to 3 business days.
Q3-2. I forgot the first entry I entered for my "Automatic email forwarding address "
Please inquire at ob_address[at]ml.riken.jp
Q3-3. Is it possible to register a mobile phone email address as a forwarding address?
Yes, mobile phone email addresses are allowed. Please set your mobile phone to be able to receive emails sent from “@riken.jp.”
Q3-4. Is it possible to designate separate conditions for forwarding my email?
No, it is not possible to attach separate conditions. All emails will be forwarded to all of the forwarding addresses you have registered.
Q3-5. What can I do if I don’t have an email address to use as a forwarding address?
We suggest that you individually apply for a free email address.
Q3-6. Can I change the part before the "@" mark in my "@alum.riken.jp" email address?
In principle, we do not accept requests to change email addresses. If you have a good reason to change the address, please write us at ob_address[at]ml.riken.jp We may change the policy if we receive many such requests.
Q4-1. I changed the forwarding address, but I am still waiting.
We will check to see what happened. Please contact us at ob_address[at]ml.riken.jp
Q4-2. I submitted a registration. Will I be able to use it right away?
We are working as quickly as possible but we cannot guarantee how long it will take. It usually takes about 3 to 4 business days.
Q5-1. Will email addressed to my regular RIKEN address (@riken.jp) be forwarded?
The "@riken.jp" address is different from the "@alum.riken.jp" address. Emails sent to the "@riken.jp" address will not be forwarded to you via "@alum.riken.jp"
Q5-2. How to I extend the term for using the email service?
There is no term limitation for the "@alum.riken.jp" forwarding service. However, if a user does not reply to the automatic email at the time membership inventory is taken, the address will become temporarily invalid. If you wish to continue using the service, you will need to reply to the email.
Q5-3. How do I cancel may email service after I die?
The "@alum.riken.jp" is only an email forwarding service, so it does not exist as an email address. It will be automatically cancelled when there is no reply to the automatic email at the time membership inventory is taken.
Q5-4. Am I allowed to enter a RIKEN campus if I have an "@alum.riken.jp" address?
An "@alum.riken.jp" email address does not prove that you are an employee of RIKEN. If you wish to enter a RIKEN campus you must receive a visitor permit.
Q5-5. Will you forward an email to a RIKEN employee whose email address I don’t know?
"@alum.riken.jp" only works for emails being forwarded to you, not those you wish to forward. We are not able to forward emails for you.
Q5-6. If email is not forwarded properly, will the sender receive an error message?
If the email cannot be forwarded, the sender may receive a message to that effect. The receiver’s email address may appear, so be careful.