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Seeking a few Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers (K24044)


Computational Molecular Science Research Team
RIKEN Center for Computational Science
(Team Leader: Takahito Nakajima)

Outline of Laboratory

The RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS), led by Center Director Satoshi Matsuoka, is an international hub for computational science that promotes “science of computing, by computing, and for computing.” R-CSS positions the technology in which RIKEN has strengths (R-CCS technology) and the software developed by RIKEN that contributes to science, technology, industry, and society (R-CCS software) as its “core competence in computational science driving science as a whole”. R-CCS aims to develop these technologies, disseminate them domestically and internationally, and produce results. In addition, R-CCS utilizes its expertise to operate the supercomputer “Fugaku”, developed as Japan’s national project, in accordance with relevant ordinances.

To lead the way toward a new frontier of theoretical and computational molecular science, our project involves the novel development of theory, algorithm, and software, which will be realized through collaborative use of “Fugaku” across the fields of computational science and computer science. Our main goals are as follows.
Innovation of theoretical and computational molecular science based on next-generation molecular theory
To realize an improved and updated theoretical molecular science by developing our original theorizing to handle large and complicated molecules with high accuracy
Development of our own quantum chemistry software “NTChem”
To provide the users to a high-performance software package for molecular electronic-structure calculations for general purpose
Establishment of materials informatics on massively parallel supercomputers
To develop efficient schemes for materials informatics with high-throughput simulations on “Fugaku”

Job title and Job description

Job title

Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher: A few positions

Job Description

Engage in one of the following assignments.

Development of computational techniques for molecular science that contribute to massively parallel computing environment

  • (1)Development of quantum chemistry software "NTChem" for large-scale and highly-efficient quantum chemistry calculations on "Fugaku".
  • (2)Development of materials informatics technology in a massively parallel environment, particularly the establishment of materials informatics technology based on high-throughput simulation and machine learning that can effectively utilize the CPU environment of "Fugaku".
  • (3)Development of innovative quantum chemistry theory and its computational method.

New materials design by combination of simulation and informatics

  • (1)New material design and exploration for materials that contribute to solving energy and environmental problems.
    The following materials will be targeted in this call.
    • 1.Solar cell materials
      A large-scale materials database will be constructed for non-leaded perovskite by comprehensive high-throughput simulations using "Fugaku". Based on the database, highly efficient and stable materials for lead-free perovskite solar cells will be designed using informatics.
    • 2.High-performance polymers
      A technology to predict and control the functional expression of polymer materials will be developed by utilizing simulation and informatics, and polymer materials with higher performance and functionality will be proposed using the established technology.

Any changes in duties during the contract period or at the time of contract renewal will be within the scope of the above job description.


Applicants must have a doctoral degree in a related field or expect to receive a doctoral degree before the date of appointment. In general, those who earned a doctorate within the past 5 years will be appointed as Postdoctoral Researcher, and those who earned a doctorate more than 5 years ago will be appointed as Research Scientist.
Background(s): Quantum chemistry, Theoretical chemistry, Condensed matter physics, Machine learning, Materials informatics

Work location

RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Computational Molecular Science Research Team (Kobe Campus – South)
7-1-26, Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, 650-0047, JAPAN

RIKEN has implemented a work-from-home system. Employees can work from home in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
Employees may be transferred to other locations when necessary to perform duties, in accordance with relevant regulations.

Salary and benefits

  • 1.(Research Scientist) One-year fixed-term employment contract, renewable based on evaluation, up to seven years since the initial date of hire.
  • 2.(Postdoctoral Researcher) One-year fixed-term employment contract, renewable based on evaluation, up to five years since the initial date of hire.
  • 3.RIKEN may adjust the above maximum period of renewability based on a) the employee’s abilities, work load at the time of contract completion, performance and work attitude and b) the continuation of the employee’s center, laboratory or project and RIKEN’s management situation and budget at the time. In principle, employment contracts will not be renewed for individuals older than 70 years.

RIKEN has indefinite-term positions, which are subject to the mandatory retirement age of 61 for FY2023 and FY2024. (Note: RIKEN has been increasing the mandatory retirement age by one year every two years from FY 2023.) There is a subsequent re-employment program allowing hiring until age of 65. Any scientists, including fixed-term employees who have been hired through this open call, are eligible to apply to open calls for indefinite-term positions.

In principle, the first two months of employment is considered a trial period.
Salary will be an annual salary based on experience, ability, and performance, and will consist of a base salary and a variable salary. The variable salary will be determined each fiscal year based on experience, ability, and performance. The monthly base salary is 305,100 JPY for Postdoctoral Researcher and 433,800 JPY for Research Scientist as of April 1, 2024. The monthly base salary and variable salary are subject to change due to amendments to RIKEN regulations.
Discretionary work, commuting and housing allowances will be provided. Social insurance will be applied.
The approximate amount of annual salary at the time of employment:
The monthly salary including discretionary work allowance at the time of employment will be more than 342,915 JPY for Postdoctoral Researcher and 487,575 JPY for Research Scientist. Mandatory membership in the RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society (RIKEN Kyosaikai).
This position falls under the specialized duties discretionary work system; one working day will be calculated as 7 hours and 30 minutes.
Days off include public holidays, New Year's holidays (Dec. 29 - Jan 3), and RIKEN Foundation Day.
Paid leave includes annual paid leave (up to 20 days per year depending on the month of employment), special paid leave (childcare, family nursing care, etc.), and work-life balance holidays (up to 7 days per year depending on the month of employment).
There are also additional leave systems such as maternity leave, childcare leave, and family nursing care leave.
Smoking is entirely prohibited on site.
These and other provisions are in accordance with RIKEN regulations.

The Kobe Branch has an on-site daycare, Po-I Kids Kobe.
For details, please send an email to the HR at kobe-kosei [at] riken.jp.

RIKEN is actively undertaking initiatives to promote gender equality and diversity, and moving forward with the establishment of a diverse and vibrant research environment. If multiple candidates are found to have the same aptitude following a fair assessment, active efforts will be made to recruit female candidates.

Also, eligible for an exemption from repayment for category 1 scholarship loans provided by the Japan Student Services Organization before fiscal year 2003, and eligible applying for the MEXT Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi).

Application and required documents

Required documents

Please prepare the following documents in English. Only recommendation letters may be either in English or in Japanese.

  • 1.CV or CV
    No format specified. Please make sure to include applicant’s name, date of birth, nationality, academic background, work history including the applicant’s current affiliation, and email address.
    The attached format is available for your convenience.
  • 2List of research achievements
    Include not only peer-reviewed papers but also a list of patents, a list of invited lectures. Also include quantitative measures for evaluation such as the Google Scholar citation index, whenever possible.
  • 3Copies of up to five most important publications (Please mark the papers on the list of publications.)
    When the original publications are not in PDF format, scan the papers and save them as PDF documents prior to submission.
  • 4List of competitive funds acquired, awards received, and other achievements including, contributions to university/institution operations, contribution to society through activities in academic societies, joint research projects, technology transfers, etc.
  • 5Description of previous research, future research plans, and career goals: No format specified, approximately three to four A4 pages in total. It is desirable that a diagram describing the research is provided.
  • 6Recommendation letters from one or two persons who can evaluate your work
    • *One recommendation letter should be written by the applicant’s current supervisor. When it is difficult to do so, a recommendation letter written by a third party may be accepted.
    • *Recommendation letters must be sent directly by the referees.
    • *The letters should be addressed to R-CCS Director. Digital signature image can be embedded in the recommendation letters within the PDF file. Or please specify the referee’s contact information (name, affiliation, job title, phone number, and email address) in the letter. Please make sure to write the date.
  • 7Consent form for handling personal information based on GDPR

How to apply

Combine the above documents except the recommendation letters into a single PDF file and upload them to the following link:
Applications for R-CCS Computational Molecular Science Research Team

The file name of the PDF should contain the job ad number “K24044, R-CCS Computational Molecular Science Research Team” and the applicant’s name. Please write the name of the position that you apply for in the “Add additional information” box.
After you uploaded the PDF file, please let us (kobe-jobs [at]riken.jp) know the file name of the uploaded file. When you send us an email, please write your name, Job Ad number and the name of the position that you apply for.
Recommendation letters must be directly submitted from the referees to the link mentioned above with the subject line "R-CCS Computational Molecular Science Research Team, [name of the position], [applicant’s name] (Recommendation letter)”. Please specify the applicant's name, referee's name and contact information in the body of the email.
If a confirmation email is not received within 7 days after submission, please contact: kobe-jobs [at] riken.jp.


Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Handling Personal Data

Submitted documents are strictly protected under the RIKEN Privacy Policy and will be used only for the purpose of applicant screening at RIKEN. Personal information will not be disclosed, transferred or loaned to a third party under any circumstances without just cause.

Selection process

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt, and interviews will be conducted for selected applicants (2 interviews for Research Scientist position and one interview for Postdoctoral Researcher position). No inquiries on the selection process and results will be answered.

Start of Employment

At the earliest opportunity (subject to negotiation)


Application files will not be returned.

Contact information

For inquiries on research conducted by the team, please contact the Team Leader by email:
Takahito Nakajima
Computational Molecular Research Team
RIKEN Center for Computational Science
Email: nakajima [at] riken.jp
