Jul. 2, 2013
RIKEN and McGill University hold joint workshop on biomedical fields

RIKEN and McGill University held their third joint workshop in Montreal on June 20-21, focusing on collaborative research in biomedical fields. The event aimed to broaden collaboration between the two organizations, which signed a cooperation agreement in 2010, and follows two earlier joint workshops concentrating on green chemistry and nanotechnology.
The workshop was divided into four sessions, focusing on quantitative biology and genomic medicine, pharmacology and structural-synthetic biology, stem cells, development, and cancer, and host resistance and immunology. Speakers from the two institutions, including RIKEN Chief Scientists and researchers from the Quantitative Biology Center, the Center for Integrated Medical Science, the Center for Developmental Biology and the Center for Life Science Technologies, presented their latest findings and research activities. Many young researchers and students from McGill jointed the sessions, exemplifying the high level of interest in research in this area.

In the evening of the first day, RIKEN Executive Director Kawai and McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum signed a joint statement reaffirming their partnership and pledging efforts from both sides for the establishment of a joint center. The participants then joined a dinner hosted by Principal Munroe-Blum, where they discussed research cooperation strengthening friendship between the two countries.