Oct. 17, 2013
Kick-off symposium for the Center for Sustainable Resource Science

The kick-off symposium for the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS), held on October 10, 2013 at the Iino Conference Center in Tokyo, was a great success. Participants included representatives from government ministries, academia, research institutions and industry.
After an opening address by RIKEN President Ryoji Noyori, congratulatory messages were delivered by Assistant Vice-Minister Keisuke Isogai of MEXT and Assistant Vice-Minister Koichi Morimoto, officer in charge of science and technology policy and innovation in the Cabinet Office.
The invited lecturer, Professor Kazuhito Hashimoto of the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, spoke on the importance of taking into consideration the final results and benefits of the research at the planning stages of new projects. In the two invited lectures that followed, Professor Kenichiro Itami of Nagoya University’s Graduate School of Science and President Hirohiko Hirochika of the National Institute of Agrobiological Science (NIAS) spoke on cutting-edge research in chemistry, bioscience, and agrobiology, and how they relate to the research activities of CSRS. The program concluded with five scientists in leadership positions at CSRS giving presentations introducing their current areas of research.
CSRS aims to create new value by engaging in leading-edge research to fulfill the responsibility of a research institute attuned to the needs of society. We will do this by bringing together scientists and students of different cultural backgrounds actively engaged in their research―a fusion of plant science, biochemistry, chemistry and other areas―through collaborative, interdisciplinary research.