The delivery of the 400 racks of the supercomputer Fugaku, which is being developed based on a plan initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2014 to build the next generation flagship supercomputer of Japan for use in a wide range of applications that will address social and scientific issues of high priority, has been completed. It was recently announced that even while development continues, the new supercomputer will be put to use on research projects aimed at combatting the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to R-CCS Center Director Satoshi Matsuoka, "Despite the hardship caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic, the tireless efforts of the Fujitsu staff and all those involved made it possible to successfully complete the delivery on time."
Matsuoka continues, "With Fugaku, we are committed to achieve scientific breakthroughs in the future, as well as to drive innovation that can make Society 5.0 a reality."
For more details, see the notice on the RIKEN R-CCS website.