An interim meeting of the RIKEN Advisory Council was held on November 25, following a pre-meeting on November 17, with the aim to report on progress on the highest priority key recommendations made by the 11th RAC in 2019, and to receive feedback from RAC members at the halfway point of the Mid- to Long-term Plan (FY 2018-2024), since the period of the current plan has been extended from five to seven years. As with many meetings currently, it was held online. In the session on "Human resource development and diversity," four young researchers gave presentations, and active discussions were held among all members on a better research environment, systems, and support systems for RIKEN, which is responsible for human resource development for young researchers in Japan and abroad, to continue fostering global research leaders. The RAC members expressed many suggestive opinions.
The RAC, a unique system at RIKEN, consists of 15 experts from around in the world in different fields who come together regularly to evaluate RIKEN’s work and offer advice on future strategies. Following the meeting, the members provided a number of opinions.

Interim RAC 2021 Pre-Meeting on November 17

Interim RAC 2021 on November 25