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Aug. 7, 2023

FY2024 : CBS Co-Creation of Knowledge Project — Co-Creation Laboratory

RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) will launch the “CBS Co-Creation of Knowledge Project” in FY2025 with the aim of establishing and expanding the framework of “Co-Creation” to engage in truly challenging and innovative research together with researchers from various scientific communities. As a part of this project, in fiscal 2023, we launched Co-Creation Laboratory, a window for open collaborative research, and we are now calling for FY 2024 projects.
For more information, visit the Application Instructions & Procedure website in CBS.

What is Co-Creation Laboratory?

If you are looking for opportunities for:

  • cutting-edge, challenging and interdisciplinary research in collaboration with CBS
  • collaborative or pilot experiments utilizing CBS’s research results, equipment, and analysis techniques

We promote collaborative research between CBS and researchers in various scientific communities. We will match the needs from researchers outside RIKEN, including young researchers, with the seeds1 from CBS, and adopt challenging research proposals in the form of an open call. In particular, we welcome collaborative research between brain science and other fields2, or innovative co-creative research utilizing CBS’s unique experimental equipment, resources, and analysis tools.

  • 1)Examples of the seeds at CBS: 7 Tesla MRI; 3 Tesla MRI; ultra-wide field of view two-photon microscope FASHIO-2PM; TissueCyte; electron microscope; mouse behavioral analysis battery; experimental animal resources; experiment equipment, analysis techniques, databases, and analysis tools originated by CBS; etc. Please refer to the brochure of CBS Research Resources Division (RRD).
  • 2)Examples of collaborative research between brain science and other fields: Brain science and AI, brain science and psychology, brain science and humanities, brain science and human diseases, brain and multi-organ connections, brain science and device development, etc.

Concept of Co-Creation of Knowledge Project

Application Procedure

Eligible applicants

Researchers at universities, research institutions (other than RIKEN) and medical organizations in Japan


  • The project must be collaborative research conducted at CBS, utilizing seeds and resources that CBS possesses.
  • The applicants must contact the hosting laboratory at CBS prior to applying. Advance coordination with the hosting laboratory at CBS is required to discuss and decide the research title, plan and members; the period, duration, and frequency of visits to CBS; and necessary costs. The hosting laboratory should be selected from the list of laboratories that is attached separately. Please find a host lab from the list of host labs in CBS.
  • Both the Applicant’s side and CBS hosting laboratory must establish a research representative respectively.
  • A research plan of three years is required.

Co-Creation Laboratory research funding for FY2024

  • Maximum of 5,000,000 JPY per year for one project.
  • Funding will be allocated to the CBS hosting laboratory and operated in accordance with RIKEN regulations and procedures (There will be no payment of research expenses from RIKEN to the collaborating party.)
  • Provided funding should be spent by the Applicant on expenses for collaborative research activities within the facility of CBS for the approved research project only.
  • Applicants who are given a job title/appointed as a member of RIKEN (Visiting Researcher, etc.) based on the agreement with the CBS hosting laboratory may be provided with payment for accommodation and travel expenses for business trip to CBS to perform the approved research project in accordance with RIKEN’s regulations. The maximum amount of payment for accommodation and travel expenses is 500,000 JPY per year.
  • Research funding for the current fiscal year must not be carried over to the next fiscal year.

Number of projects to be approved

Two projects are scheduled to be determined.


Saturday, September 30, 2023
Visit the website for application in CBS for more information.


Co-Creation Laboratory Secretariat
kyosolab_saiyo[at]ml.riken.jp (replace [at] with @)
