RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research Laboratory for Multiscale Biosystem Dynamics
Team Leader: Chikara Furusawa (Ph.D.)
Research Summary
We study multi-scale dynamics in biological systems, such as differentiation and evolution, using both theoretical and experimental approaches. For example, we analyze phenotypic/genetic changes of microorganisms during experimental evolution, to unveil interplay between dynamics of adaptation and evolution. We also study dynamics differentiation process of stem cells using theoretical models, to understand how cell-cell interactions bring about cellular diversifications and robust development of multicellular systems.
- Biophysics
- Laboratory evolution
- Computer Simulation
- Theoretical Physical
Selected Publications
- 1.Horinouchi, T., Sakai, A., Kotani, H., Tanabe, K., et al.:
"Improvement of isopropanol tolerance of Escherichia coli using adaptive laboratory evolution and omics technologies"
Jour. Biotech.. 225, 47-56 (2017) - 2.Yoshida, M., Reyes, S.G., Tsuda, S., Horinouchi, T., et al.:
"Time-programmable drug dosing allows the manipulation, suppression and reversal of antibiotic drug resistance in vitro"
Nat. Commun. 8, 15589 (2017) - 3.Horinouchi, T., Suzuki, S., Hirasawa, T., Ono, N., Yomo, T., et al.:
"Phenotypic convergence in bacterial adaptive evolution to ethanol stress"
BMC Evol. Biol. 15, 180 (2015) - 4.Furusawa, C. & Kaneko, K.:
"Global relationships in fluctuation and response in adaptive evolution"
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12, 20150482 (2015) - 5.Kaneko, K., Furusawa, C. & Yomo, T.:
"Universal Relationship in Gene-Expression Changes for Cells in Steady-Growth State"
Phys. Rev. X 5, 011014 (2015) - 6.Suzuki, S., Horinouchi, T. & Furusawa, C.:
"Prediction of antibiotic resistance by gene expression profiles "
Nat. Commun. 5, 5792 (2014) - 7.Horinouchi, T., Minamoto, T., Suzuki, S., Shimizu, H. & Furusawa, C.:
"Development of an Automated Culture System for Laboratory Evolution"
Jala 19, 478-482 (2014) - 8.Ohno, S., Shimizu, H. & Furusawa, C.:
"FastPros: screening of reaction knockout strategies for metabolic engineering"
Bioinformatics 30, 981-987 (2014) - 9.Furusawa, C. & Kaneko, K.:
"A Dynamical-Systems View of Stem Cell Biology"
Science 338, 215-217 (2012) - 10.Furusawa, C. & Kaneko, K.:
"Adaptation to Optimal Cell Growth through Self-Organized Criticality"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 208103 (2012)
Recent Research Results
Apr. 5, 2021
Microbes are perhaps more manageable than we thought
Related Links
Lab Members
Principal investigator
- Chikara Furusawa
- Team Leader
Core members
- Takaaki Horinouchi
- Research Scientist
- Tomoya Maeda
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Kumi Tanabe
- Technical Staff I
- Hazuki Kotani
- Technical Staff I
- Aki Sakai
- Technical Staff II
Contact Information
Email: chikara.furusawa [at] riken.jp