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RIKEN Center for Brain Science Laboratory for Marmoset Models of Brain Diseases

Team Leader: Hideyuki Okano (M.D., Ph.D.)

Research Summary

Hideyuki Okano

Psychiatric and neurological disorders are believed to result from abnormalities in the higher functions of the human brain. However, conventional rodent models, such as mice, often fail to replicate certain phenotypes, making it necessary to use animal models that more closely resemble humans. Our laboratory employs genetic modification techniques on the common marmoset, a small primate, to create disease models that accurately mimic human conditions. These primate models enable us to investigate the pathological mechanisms underlying psychiatric and neurological disorders and to develop new treatment approaches.

Main Research Fields

  • Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy

Related Research Fields

  • Complex Systems
  • Biology
  • Neuroscience-general-related
  • Basic brain sciences-related
  • Pathophysiology


  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Rett Syndrome
  • Common Marmoset
  • Genome Editing
  • Brain Imaging Technology

Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

  • 1. Hata J, Nakae K, Tsukada H, Woodward A, Haga Y, Iida M, Uematsu A, Seki F, Ichinohe N, Gong R, Kaneko T, Yoshimaru D, Watakabe A, Abe H, Tani T, Hamda HT, Gutierrez CE, Skibbe H, Maeda M, Papazian F, Hagiya K, Kishi N, Ishii S, Doya K, Shimogori T, Yamamori T, Tanaka K, Okano HJ, Okano H.:
    "Multi-modal brain magnetic resonance imaging database covering marmosets with a wide age range"
    Sci Data 10(1):221 (2023)
  • 2. Yoshimatsu S, Okahara J, Yoshie J, Igarashi Y, Nakajima R, Sanosaka T, Qian E, Sato T, Kobayashi H, Morimoto S, Kishi N, Pillis DM, Malik P, Noce T, Okano H.:
    "Generation of a tyrosine hydroxylase-2A-Cre knockin non-human primate model by homology-directed-repair-biased CRISPR genome editing"
    Cell Rep Methods 3(9):100590 (2023)
  • 3. Watakabe A, Skibbe H, Nakae K, Abe H, Ichinohe N, Rachmadi MF, Wang J, Takaji M, Mizukami H, Woodward A, Gong R, Hata J, Van Essen DC, Okano H, Ishii S, Yamamori T.:
    "Local and long-distance organization of prefrontal cortex circuits in the marmoset brain."
    Neuron. 111(14):2258-2273 (2023)
  • 4. Yoshimatsu S, Seki F, Okahara J, Watanabe H, Sasaguri H, Haga Y, Hata J, Sanosaka T, Inoue T, Mineshige T, Lee CY, Shinohara H, Kurotaki Y, Komaki Y, Kishi N, Murayama AY, Nagai Y, Minamimoto T, Yamamoto M, Nakajima M, Zhou Z, Nemoto A, Sato T, Ikeuchi T, Sahara N, Morimoto S, Shiozawa S, Saido TC, Sasaki E, Okano H.:
    "Multimodal analyses of a non-human primate model harboring mutant amyloid precursor protein transgenes driven by the human EF1α promoter"
    Neurosci Res, 185:49-61 (2022)
  • 5. Kaneko T, Komatsu M, Yamamori T, Ichinohe N and Okano H.:
    "Cortical neural dynamics underlying the rhythm of natural visual behavior"
    Communication Biology 5(1):108 (2022)
  • 6. Okano H.:
    "Current Status of and Perspectives on the Application of Marmosets in Neurobiology"
    Annu Rev Neurosci 44:27-48 (2021)
  • 7. Lin MK, Takahashi YS, Huo BH, Hanada M, Nagashima J, Hata J, Tolpygo AS, Ram K, Lee BC, Miller MI, Rosa MG, Sasaki E, Iriki A, Okano H, Mitra P.:
    "A High-throughput Neurohistological Pipeline for Brain-Wide Mesoscale Connectivity Mapping of the Common Marmoset"
    eLife 8: e40042 (2019)
  • 8. Iwano S, Sugiyama M, Hama H, Watakabe A, Hasegawa N, Kuchimaru T, Tanaka KZ, Takahashi M, Ishida Y, Hata J, Shimozono S, Namiki K, Fukano T, Kiyama M, Okano H, Kizaka-Kondoh S, McHugh TJ, Yamamori T, Hioki H, Maki S, Miyawaki A.:
    "Single cell bioluminescence imaging of deep tissue in freely moving animals"
    Science 359(6378):935-939 (2018)
  • 9. Okano H, Sasaki E, Yamamori T, Iriki A, Shimogori T, Yamaguchi Y, Kasai K and Miyawaki A.:
    "Brain/MINDS: a Japanese National Brain Project for Marmoset"
    Neuroscience, Neuron, 92 (3): 582-590 (2016)
  • 10. *Sasaki E, Suemizu H, Shimada A, Hanazawa K, Oiwa R, Kamioka M, Tomioka I, Sotomaru Y, Hirakawa R, Eto T, Shiozawa S, Maeda T, Ito M, Ito R, Kito C, Yagihashi C, Kawai K, Miyoshi H, Tanioka Y, Tamaoki N, Habu S, Okano H, Nomura T.:
    "Generation of transgenic non-human primates with germline transmission"
    Nature 459(7246):523-527 (2009)

Lab Members

Principal investigator

Hideyuki Okano
Team Leader

Contact Information

2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama
351-0198, Japan
Email: hideyuki.okano [at] riken.jp
