RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences Laboratory for Applied Computational Genomics
Team Leader: Michiel Jan Laurens De Hoon (Ph.D.)
Research Summary

The laboratory analyzes genome, transcriptome, and chromatin conformation sequencing data to understand the molecular basis of cellular functioning in health and disease. As part of the FANTOM consortium, we advance the understanding of genome function for basic genomics. In biomedicine, we apply genomics analysis to human diseases in collaboration with medical scientists. Additionally, we use electron microscope (EM) tomography to image the 3D structure of the genome in its nuclear environment. The integration of EM imaging and sequencing data analysis will create 3D genomics as a new field to discover the biophysical basis of gene regulation in the cell nucleus.
Main Research Fields
- Biological Sciences
Related Research Fields
- Mathematical & Physical Sciences
- Biology
- Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy
- Genome biology-related
- Biophysics-related
- System genome science-related
- Functional genomics
- Electron microscope tomography
- Biomedical genomics
- Bioinformatics
- Non-coding RNA
Selected Publications
- 1.
Agrawal, S.; Buyan, A.; Severin, J.; Koido, M.; Alam, T.; Abugessaisa, I.; Chang, H.Y.; Dostie, J.; Itoh, M.; Kere, J.; Kondo, N.; Li, Y.; Makeev, V.J.; Mendez, M.; Okazaki, Y.; Ramilowski, J.A.; Sigorskikh, A.I.; Strug, L.J.; Yagi, K.; Yasuzawa, K.; Yip, C.W.; Hon, C.C.; Hoffman, M.M.; Terao, C.; Kulakovskiy, I.V.; Kasukawa, T.; Shin, J.W.; Carninci, P.; De Hoon, M.J.L.:
"Annotation of nuclear lncRNAs based on chromatin interactions"
PLoS One 19, e0295971 (2024). - 2.
Severin, J.; Agrawal, S.; Ramilowski, J.R.; Deviatiiarov, R.; Shin, J.W.; Carninci, P.; De Hoon, M.:
"ZENBU-Reports: a graphical web-portal builder for interactive visualization and dissemination of genome-scale data"
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 5, lqad075 (2023). - 3.
De Hoon, M.J.L.; Bonetti, A.; Plessy, C.; Ando, Y.; Hon, C.C.; Ishizu, Y.; Itoh, M.; Katoh, S.; Lin, D.; Maekawa, S.; Murata, M.; Nishiyori, H.; Shin, J.W.; Stolte, J.; Suzuki, A.M.; Tagami, M.; Takahashi, H.; Thongjuea, S.; Forrest, A.R.; Hayashizaki, Y.; Kere, J.; Carninci, P.:
"Deep sequencing of short capped RNAs reveals novel families of noncoding RNAs"
Genome Research 32, 1727-1735 (2022). - 4.
Grapotte, M.; Saraswat, M.; Bessière, C.; Menichelli, C.; Ramilowski, J.; Severin, J.; Hayashizaki, Y.; Itoh, M.; Tagami, M.; Murata, M.; Kojima, M.; Noma, S.; Noguchi, S.; Kasukawa, T.; Hasegawa, A.; Suzuki, H.; Nishiyori-Sueki, H.; Frith, M.C.; The FANTOM consortium; Chatelain, C.; Carninci, P.; De Hoon, M.; Wasserman, W.; Bréhélin, L.; Lecellier, C.:
"Discovery of widespread transcription initiation at microsatellites predictable by sequence-based deep neural network"
Nature Communications 12, 3297 (2021). - 5.
Way, G.P.; Greene, C.S.; Carninci, P.; Carvalho, B.S.; De Hoon, M.; Finley, S.; Gosline, S.J.; Cao, K.L.; Lee, J.S.; Marchionni, L.; Robine, N.; Sindi, S.S.; Theis, F.J.; Yang, J.Y.; Carpenter, A.E.; Fertig, E.J.:
"A field guide to cultivating computational biology"
PLoS Biology 19, e3001419 (2021). - 6.
Hashimoto, M.; Saito, Y.; Nakagawa, R.; Ogahara, I.; Takagi, S.; Takata, S.; Amitani, H.; Endo, M.; Yuki, H.; Ramilowski, J.A.; Severin, J.; Manabe, R-I.; Watanabe, T.; Ozaki, K.; Kaneko, A.; Kajita, H.; Fujiki, S.; Sato, K.; Honma, T.; Uchida, N.; Fukami, T.; Okazaki, Y.; Ohara, O.; Shultz, L.D.; Yamada, M.; Taniguchi, S.; Vyas, P.; De Hoon, M.; Momozawa, Y.; Ishikawa, F.:
"Combined inhibition of XIAP and BCL2 drives maximal therapeutic efficacy in genetically diverse aggressive acute myeloid leukemia"
Nature Cancer 2, 340–356 (2021). - 7.
Ramilowski, J.A.; Yip, C.W.; Agrawal, S.; Chang, J.C.; Ciani, Y.; Kulakovskiy, I.V.; Mendez, M.; Ooi, J.L.C.; Ouyang, J.F.; Parkinson, N.; Petri, A.; Roos, L.; Severin, J.; Yasuzawa, K.; Abugessaisa, I.; Akalin, A.; Antonov, I.V.; Arner, E.; Bonetti, A.; Bono, H.; Borsari, B.; Brombacher, F.; Cameron, C.J.F.; Cannistraci, C.V.; Cardenas, R.; Cardon, M.; Chang, H.; Dostie, J.; Ducoli, L.; Favorov, A.; Fort, A.; Garrido, D.; Gil, N.; Gimenez, J.; Guler, R.; Handoko, L.; Harshbarger, J.; Hasegawa, A.; Hasegawa, Y.; Hashimoto, K.; Hayatsu, N.; Heutink, P.; Hirose, T.; Imada, E.L.; Itoh, M.; Kaczkowski, B.; Kanhere, A.; Kawabata, E.; Kawaji, H.; Kawashima, T.; Kelly, S.T.; Kojima, M.; Kondo, N.; Koseki, H.; Kouno, T.; Kratz, A.; Kurowska-Stolarska, M.; Kwon, A.T.J.; Leek, J.; Lennartsson, A.; Lizio, M.; López-Redondo, F.; Luginbühl, J.; Maeda, S.; Makeev, V.J.; Marchionni, L.; Medvedeva, Y.A.; Minoda, A.; Müller, F.; Muñoz-Aguirre, M.; Murata, M.; Nishiyori, H.; Nitta, K.R.; Noguchi, S.; Noro, Y.; Nurtdinov, R.; Okazaki, Y.; Orlando, V.; Paquette, D.; Parr, C.J.C.; Rackham, O.J.L.; Rizzu, P.; Sánchez, Martinez, D.F.; Sandelin, A.; Sanjana, P.; Semple, C.A.M.; Shibayama, Y.; Sivaraman, D.M.; Suzuki, T.; Szumowski, S.C.; Tagami, M.; Taylor, M.S.; Terao, C.; Thodberg, M.; Thongjuea, S.; Tripathi, V.; Ulitsky, I.; Verardo, R.; Vorontsov, I.E.; Yamamoto, C.; Young, R.S.; Baillie, J.K.; Forrest, A.R.R.; Guigó, R.; Hoffman, M.M.; Hon, C.C.; Kasukawa, T.; Kauppinen, S.; Kere, J.; Lenhard, B.; Schneider, C.; Suzuki, H.; Yagi, K.; De Hoon, M.J.L.; Shin, J.W.; Carninci, P.:
"Functional annotation of human long noncoding RNAs via molecular phenotyping"
Genome Research 30, 1060-1072 (2020). - 8.
Alam, T.; Agrawal, S.; Severin, J.; Young, R.S.; Andersson, R.; Arner, E.; Hasegawa, A.; Lizio, M.; Ramilowski, J.A.; Abugessaisa, I.; Ishizu, Y.; Noma, S.; Tarui, H.; Taylor, M.S.; Lassmann, T.; Itoh, M.; Kasukawa, T.; Kawaji, H.; Marchionni, L.; Sheng, G.; Forrest, A.R.R.; Khachigian, L.M.; Hayashizaki, Y.; Carninci, P.; De Hoon, M.J.L.:
"Comparative transcriptomics of primary cells in vertebrates"
Genome Research 30, 951-961 (2020). - 9.
Guigo, R.; De Hoon, M.:
"Recent advances in functional genome analysis"
F1000Research 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev): 1968 (2018). - 10.
De Rie, D.; Abugessaisa, I.; Alam, T.; Arner, E.; Arner, P.; Ashoor, H.; Åström, G.; Babina, M.; Bertin, N.; Burroughs, A.M.; Carlisle, A.J.; Daub, C.O.; Detmar, M.; Deviatiiarov, R.; Fort, A.; Gebhard, C.; Goldowitz, D.; Guhl, S.; Ha, T.J.; Harshbarger, J.; Hasegawa, A.; Hashimoto, K.; Herlyn, M.; Heutink, P.; Hitchens, K.J.; Hon, C.C.; Huang, E.; Ishizu, Y.; Kai, C.; Kasukawa, T.; Klinken, P.; Lassmann, T.; Lecellier, C.H.; Lee, W.; Lizio, M.; Makeev, V.; Mathelier, A.; Medvedeva, Y.A.; Mejhert, N.; Mungall, C.J.; Noma, S.; Ohshima, M.; Okada-Hatakeyama, M.; Persson, H.; Rizzu, P.; Roudnicky, F.; Sætrom, P.; Sato, H.; Severin, J.; Shin, J.W.; Swoboda, R.K.; Tarui, H.; Toyoda, H.; Vitting-Seerup, K.; Winteringham, L.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Yasuzawa, K.; Yoneda, M.; Yumoto, N.; Zabierowski, S.; Zhang, P.G.; Wells, C.A.; Summers, K.M.; Kawaji, H.; Sandelin, A.; Rehli, M.; The FANTOM Consortium, Hayashizaki, Y.; Carninci, P.; Forrest, A.R.R.; De Hoon, M.J.L.:
"An integrated expression atlas of miRNAs and their promoters in human and mouse"
Nature Biotechnology 35, 872-878 (2017).
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Lab Members
Principal investigator
- Michiel Jan Laurens De Hoon
- Team Leader
Core members
- Saumya Agrawal
- Research Scientist
- Prashanti Jeyamohan
- Technical Staff I
Contact Information
1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku,
Yokohama City, Kanagawa,
230-0045, Japan
Email: michiel.dehoon@riken.jp