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  5. Operations and Computer Technologies Division

RIKEN Center for Computational Science System Operations and Development Unit

Unit Leader: Yuji Iguchi

Research Summary

Yuji Iguchi

The system operations and development unit has conducted operations and maintenance management, user management, and user support of super computer systems operated by R-CCS in addition to the research and development on advanced management and operations of them. We have made improvements of the job scheduler, file system, and MPI library (communications library) while analyzing the operational statistics of systems.

Main Research Fields

  • Engineering


  • High Performance Computing
  • Power Efficiency
  • Job Scheduling

Selected Publications

  • 1.Keiji Yamamoto, Yuichi Tsujita, and Atsuya Uno.:
    “Classifying Jobs and Predicting Applications in HPC systems”
    ISC High Performance 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10876, pp.81--99 (2018)
  • 2.Y. Tsujita, T. Yoshizaki, K. Yamamoto, F. Sueyasu, R. Miyazaki, and A. Uno.:
    “Alleviating I/O Interference Through Workload-Aware Striping and Load-Balancing on Parallel File Systems”
    LNCS 10266, pp. 315-333 (2017)
  • 3.Atsuya UNO, Ryuichi SEKIZAWA.:
    “A Study of Job Scheduling Performance focusing on Compute Node Maintenance”
    HPCS2016, Miyagi, Japan (2016)
  • 4.Atsuya UNO, Hajime HIDA, Fumio INOUE, Naoki IKEDA, Toshiyuki TSUKAMOTO, Fumichika SUEYASU, Satoshi MATSUSHITA, Fumiyoshi SHOJI.:
    “Operation of the K computer Focusing on System Power Consumption”
    IPSJ Transactions on Advanced Computing Systems Vol.8, No.4, pp.13-25 (2015)
  • 5.Fumiyoshi Shoji, Shuji Matsui, Mitsuo Okamoto, Fumichika Sueyasu, Toshiyuki Tsukamoto, Atsuya Uno, Keiji Yamamoto.:
    “Long term failure analysis of 10 Petascale supercomputer”
    ISC2015 HPC IN ASIA POSTER AWARD, Frankfurt, Germany (2015)
  • 6.Keiji Yamamoto, Atsuya Uno, Hitoshi Murai, Toshiyuki Tsukamoto, Fumiyoshi Shoji, Shuji Matsui, Ryuichi Sekizawa, Fumichika Sueyasu, Hiroshi Uchiyama, Mitsuo Okamoto, Nobuo Ohgushi, Katsutoshi Takashina, Daisuke Wakabayashi, Yuki Taguchi and Mitsuo Yokokawa.:
    “The K computer Operations: Experiences and Statistics”
    ICCS2014, Cairns, Australia (2014)

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Lab Members

Principal investigator

Yuji Iguchi
Unit Leader

Core members

Mitsuo Okamoto
Technical Scientist
Fumichika Sueyasu
Technical Scientist
Katsufumi Sugeta
Expert Technician
Toshihiro Hanawa
Visiting Scientist
Shinji Sumimoto
Visiting Scientist
Yohei Miki
Visiting Scientist

Contact Information

Email: r-ccs-koho [at] ml.riken.jp
