RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science Beam Dynamics and Diagnostics Team
Team Leader: Nobuhisa Fukunishi (D.Sc.)
Research Summary
The cascaded cyclotron system adopted in RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF) has established stable deliveries of the world’s most intense heavy-ion beams. Beam Dynamics and Diagnostics Team is responsible for magnets, power supplies, beam instrumentation, computer control system and beam dynamic of the RIBF accelerator complex. We pursue further performance upgrades of the RIBF accelerator complex.
Main Research Fields
- Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering
Related Research Fields
- Mathematical & Physical Sciences
- Cyclotron
- Beam dynamics
- Beam diagnostics
- Accelerator control
- Industrial application of heavy-ion beams
Selected Publications
- 1.Yamada K., Suda K., Sakamoto N., Kamigaito O.:
"Conceptual Design of SC Linac for RIBF-Upgrade Plan"
16th International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Paris, France, September 2013, pp. 137-139 (2013). - 2.Fukunishi N., Dantsuka T., Fujimaki M., Fujinawa T., Hasebe H., Higurashi Y., Ikezawa E., Imao H., Kageyama T., Kamigaito O., Kase M., Kobayashi-Komiyama M., Kumagai K., Kuboki H., Maie T., Nagase M., Nakagawa T., Ohnishi J., Okuno H., Ozeki K., Sakamoto N., Suda K., Uchiyama A., Watanabe T., Watanabe Y., Yamada K., Yamasawa H.:
"Acceleration of Intense Heavy Ion Beams in RIBF Cascaded Cyclotrons"
20th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 1-6 (2013). - 3.Maeyama T., Fukunishi N., Ishikawa K. L., Furuta T., Fukasaku K., Takagi S., Noda S., Himeno R. and Fukuda S.:
"A Diffusion Free and Linear-energy-transfer-independent Nanocomposite Fricke Gel Dosimeter"
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 96, 92-96 (2014). - 4.Fukunishi N.:
"Heavy-ion Cyclotron Gymnastics and Associated Beam Dynamics Issues"
54th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, East-Lansing, MI, USA pp.18-23 (2014). - 5.Fukunishi N.:
"Review of Heavy-ion Cyclotrons"
13th International Conference on Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology, Yokohama, Japan, pp.11-16 (2015). - 6.Watanabe T., Fukunishi N., Kase M., Inamori S., Kon S.:
"HTC-Squid Beam Current Monitor at the RIBF"
International Beam Instrumentation Conference 2015 (IBIC 2015), Melbourne, Australia, pp.590-594 (2015). - 7.Uchiyama A., Komiyama M., Fukunishi N.:
"EPICS PV Management and Method for RIBF Control System"
15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control System (ICALEPCS 2015), Melbourne, Australia, pp.769-771 (2015). - 8.Uchiyama A., Ozeki K., Higurashi Y., Komiyama M. and Nakagawa T.:
"Control System Renewal for Efficient Operation in RIKEN 18 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source"
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 02A722 (2016). - 9.Watanabe T., Fukunishi N., Inamori S., Kon S.:
"Sensitivity Improvement and Miniaturization of HTc-SQUID Beam Current Monitor"
13th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Chiba, Japan, August 2016, pp 1127-1133, (2016). - 10.Maeyama T., Fukunishi N., Ishikawa K. L., Fukasaku K. and Fukuda S.:
"Organic-Gelatin-Free Nanocomposite Fricke Gel Dosimeter"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017, 121(16), pp 4238-4246 (2017).
Related Links
Lab Members
Principal investigator
- Nobuhisa Fukunishi
- Team Leader
Core members
- Kazunari Yamada
- Senior Technical Scientist
- Tamaki Watanabe
- Senior Technical Scientist
- Masaki Fujimaki
- Senior Technical Scientist
- Keiko Kumagai
- Senior Technical Scientist
- Akito Uchiyama
- Technical Scientist
- Misaki Komiyama
- Expert Technician
- Takahiro Nishi
- Postdoctoral Researcher
Contact Information
2-1 Hirosawa,
Wako, Saitama
351-0198, Japan
Email: fukunisi [at] ribf.riken.jp