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RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing Superconducting Quantum Electronics Joint Research Unit

Unit Leader: Eisuke Abe (D.Sc.)

Research Summary

Eisuke  Abe

We develop quantum technologies based on superconducting devices, with particular emphasis on the development of multi-qubit quantum computers. We aim to implement superconducting qubits (quantum bits) and functionalities for coherent control and non-demolition measurement of quantum states via microwaves on a superconducting quantum circuit consisting of Josephson junctions, microwave transmission lines, microwave cavities, Josephson parametric amplifiers, and so on, and to bring a quantum computer which executes computations intractable with classical computers closer to reality.

Main Research Fields

  • Mathematical & Physical Sciences

Related Research Fields

  • Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Physics
  • Applied physics
  • Electrical and electronic engineering


  • Superconducting circuit
  • Quantum computing
  • Quantum technology
  • Microwave engineering
  • Quantum entanglement

Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

  • 1. K. Sasaki and E. Abe.:
    "Suppression of Pulsed Dynamic Nuclear Polarization by Many-Body Spin Dynamics"
    Physical Review Letters 132, 106904 (2024)
  • 2. E. Abe.:
    "Superconducting route to quantum computing"
    Proceeding of 2023 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), P.1–4 (2023)
  • 3. K. Sasaki, H. Watanabe, H. Sumiya, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe.:
    "Detection and control of single proton spins in a thin layer of diamond grown by chemical vapor deposition"
    Applied Physics Letters 117, 114002 (2020)
  • 4. R. Sakano, A. Oguri, Y. Nishikawa, and E. Abe.:
    "Bell-state correlations of quasiparticle pairs in the nonlinear current of a local Fermi liquid"
    Physical Review B 99, 155106 (2019)
  • 5. *K. Sasaki, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe.:
    "Determination of the position of a single nuclear spin from free nuclear precessions detected by a solid-state quantum sensor"
    Physical Review B 98, 121405 (2018)
  • 6. *E. Abe and K. Sasaki.:
    "Tutorial: Magnetic resonance with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond—microwave engineering, materials science, and magnetometry"
    Journal of Applied Physics 123, 161101 (2018)
  • 7. *K. Sasaki, Y. Monnai, S. Saijo, R. Fujita, H. Watanabe, J. Ishi-Hayase, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe.:
    "Broadband, large-area microwave antenna for optically detected magnetic resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond"
    Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 053904 (2016)
  • 8. *L. Yu, C. M. Natarajan, T. Horikiri, C. Langrock, J. S. Pelc, M. G. Tanner, E. Abe, S. Maier, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, M. Kamp, R. H. Hadfield, M. M. Fejer, and Y. Yamamoto.:
    "Two-photon interference at telecom wavelengths for time-bin-encoded single photons from quantum-dot spin qubits"
    Nature Communications 6, 8955 (2015)
  • 9. *K. De Greve, P. L. McMahon, L. Yu, J. Pelc, C. Jones, C. M. Natarajan, N. Y. Kim, E. Abe, S. Maier, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, R. H. Hadfield, A. Forchel, M. M. Fejer, and Y. Yamamoto.:
    "Complete tomography of a high-fidelity solid-state entangled spin–photon qubit pair"
    Nature Communications 4, 2228 (2013)
  • 10. *K. De Greve, L. Yu, P. L. McMahon, J. Pelc, C. M. Natarajan, N. Y. Kim, E. Abe, S. Maier, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, R. H. Hadfield, A. Forchel, M. M. Fejer, and Y. Yamamoto.:
    "Quantum-dot spin–photon entanglement via frequency downconversion to telecom wavelength"
    Nature 491, 421 (2012)

Lab Members

Principal investigator

Eisuke Abe
Unit Leader

Contact Information

Bioscience Building(S01)
2-1 Hirosawa,
Wako-shi, Saitama
Tel: +81-(0)48-462-1111(Ext.5718)
Fax: +81-(0)48-462-6847
Email: eisuke.abe@riken.jp
