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量子コンピュータ研究センター 超伝導量子エレクトロニクス連携研究ユニット

ユニットリーダー 阿部 英介(D.Sc.)


阿部 英介



  • 数物系科学


  • 総合理工
  • 工学
  • 物理学
  • 応用物理学
  • 電気電子工学


  • 超伝導回路
  • 量子コンピューティング
  • 量子技術
  • マイクロ波工学
  • 量子もつれ



  • 1.*K. Sasaki, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe.:
    “Determination of the position of a single nuclear spin from free nuclear precessions detected by a solid-state quantum sensor”
    Physical Review B 98, 121405 (2018).
  • 2.*E. Abe and K. Sasaki.:
    “Tutorial: Magnetic resonance with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond?microwave engineering, materials science, and magnetometry”
    Journal of Applied Physics 123, 161101 (2018).
  • 3.*K. Ito, H. Saito, K. Sasaki, H. Watanabe, T. Teraji, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe.:
    “Nitrogen-vacancy centers created by N+ ion implantation through screening SiO2 layers on diamond”
    Applied Physics Letters 110, 213105 (2017).
  • 4.*K. Sasaki, E. E. Kleinsasser, Z. Zhou, W.-D. Li, H. Watanabe, K.-M. C. Fu, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe.:
    “Dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced magnetic field sensitivity and decoherence spectroscopy of an ensemble of near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”
    Applied Physics Letters 110, 192407 (2017).
  • 5.*J. Herrmann, M. A. Appleton, K. Sasaki, Y. Monnai, T. Teraji, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe.:
    “Polarization- and frequency-tunable microwave circuit for selective excitation of nitrogen-vacancy spins in diamond”
    Applied Physics Letters 109, 183111 (2016).
  • 6.*K. Sasaki, Y. Monnai, S. Saijo, R. Fujita, H. Watanabe, J. Ishi-Hayase, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe.:
    “Broadband, large-area microwave antenna for optically detected magnetic resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”
    Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 053904 (2016).
  • 7.*E. S. Petersen, A. M. Tyryshkin, J. J. L. Morton, E. Abe, S. Tojo, K. M. Itoh, M. L. W. Thewalt, and S. A. Lyon.:
    “Nuclear spin decoherence of neutral 31P donors in silicon: Effect of environmental 29Si nuclei”
    Physical Review B 93, 161202 (2016).
  • 8.*L. Yu, C. M. Natarajan, T. Horikiri, C. Langrock, J. S. Pelc, M. G. Tanner, E. Abe, S. Maier, C. Schneider, S. Hofling, M. Kamp, R. H. Hadfield, M. M. Fejer, and Y. Yamamoto.:
    “Two-photon interference at telecom wavelengths for time-bin-encoded single photons from quantum-dot spin qubits”
    Nature Communications 6, 8955 (2015).
  • 9.*K. De Greve, P. L. McMahon, L. Yu, J. Pelc, C. Jones, C. M. Natarajan, N. Y. Kim, E. Abe, S. Maier, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Hofling, R. H. Hadfield, A. Forchel, M. M. Fejer, and Y. Yamamoto.:
    “Complete tomography of a high-fidelity solid-state entangled spin-photon qubit pair”
    Nature Communications 4, 2228 (2013).
  • 10.*K. De Greve, L. Yu, P. L. McMahon, J. Pelc, C. M. Natarajan, N. Y. Kim, E. Abe, S. Maier, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Hofling, R. H. Hadfield, A. Forchel, M. M. Fejer, and Y. Yamamoto.:
    “Quantum-dot spin-photon entanglement via frequency downconversion to telecom wavelength”
    Nature 491, 421 (2012).



阿部 英介


〒351-0198 埼玉県和光市広沢2-1 生物科学研究棟(S01)
Tel: 048-462-1111 (内線5718)
Fax: 048-462-6847
Email: eisuke.abe [at] riken.jp
