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RIKEN SPring-8 Center SR Materials Science Instrumentation Team

Team Leader: Yujiro Hayashi (D.Eng.)

Research Summary

Yujiro Hayashi (D.Eng.)

The SR Materials Science Instrumentation Team develops methods, instruments, and systems using high-energy brilliant x-rays above several tens of keV for materials science and industrial applications. Microstructures and stress-strain states in materials gradually change depending on environments. Because the mechanical behaviors of materials can lead to the degradation and damage of engineering materials and components, it is important to understand the materials behaviors for manufacturing industries. By developing the methods and instruments to non-destructively visualize microstructures, stress-strain states, and morphology inside engineering materials and components, we reveal the materials behaviors under real environments.

Main Research Fields

  • Engineering

Related Research Fields

  • Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering
  • Mathematical & Physical Sciences
  • Materials science
  • Applied physics
  • Mechanical engineering


  • X-ray diffraction
  • Metals and alloys
  • Microstructure
  • Strain and stress
  • 3DXRD

Selected Publications

Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.

  • 1. * Hayashi, Y., Setoyama, D., Hirose, Y., Yoshida, T., and Kimura, H.:
    "Intragranular three-dimensional stress tensor fields in plastically deformed polycrystals"
    Science 366, 1492-1496 (2019).
  • 2. * Hayashi, Y., Hirose, Y., and Seno, Y.:
    "Polycrystal orientation mapping using scanning three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy"
    Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, 1094-1101 (2015).
  • 3. * Hayashi, Y., Setoyama, D., and Seno, Y.:
    "Scanning three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy with a high-energy microbeam at SPring-8"
    Materials Science Forum 905, 157-164 (2017).
  • 4. * Hayashi, Y., Hirose, Y., and Setoyama, D.:
    "In situ three-dimensional orientation mapping in plastically-deformed polycrystalline iron by three-dimensional x-ray diffraction"
    Materials Science Forum 777, 118-123 (2014).
  • 5. * Hayashi, Y., Tanaka, K., Akazaki, T., Jo, M., Kumano, H., and Suemune, I.:
    "Superconductor-based light emitting diode: Demonstration of role of Cooper pairs in radiative recombination processes"
    Applied Physics Express 1, 011701/1-3 (2008).
  • 6. Hayashi, Y., Tanaka, Y., Kirimura, T., Tsukuda, N., Kuramoto, E., and Ishikawa, T.:
    "Acoustic pulse echoes probed by x-ray triple-crystal diffractometry"
    Physical Review Letters 96, 115505/1-4 (2006).
  • 7. Hayashi, Y., Tsukuda, N., Kuramoto, E., Tanaka, Y., and Ishikawa, T.:
    "Determination of the dynamic deformation tensor by time-resolved triple crystal diffractometry"
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 12, 685-689 (2005).
  • 8. * Hayashi, Y., Hirose, Y., and Seno, Y.:
    "Scanning three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy using a high-energy microbeam"
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1741, 050024 (2016).
  • 9. * Setoyama, D., Hayashi, Y., and Iwata, N.:
    "Crystal plasticity finite element analysis based on crystal orientation mapping with three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy"
    Materials Science Forum 777, 142-147 (2014).
  • 10. * Nonaka, T., Dohmae, K., Araki, T., Hayashi, Y., Hirose, Y., Uruga, T., Yamazaki, H., Mochizuki, T., Tanida, H., and Goto, S.:
    "Quick-scaninng x-ray absorption spectroscopy system with a servo-motor-driven channel-cut monochromator with a temporal resolution of 10 ms"
    Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 083112 (2012).

Lab Members

Principal investigator

Yujiro Hayashi
Team Leader

Contact Information

Structural Biology Facility 212
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho
Sayo-gun, Hyogo
679-5148 Japan
Email: hayashi.y [at] spring8.or.jp
