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RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project Structured Learning Team

Team Leader: Yoshinobu Kawahara (D.Eng.)

Research Summary

Yoshinobu  Kawahara(D.Eng.)

When making predictions based on intelligent information processing such as machine learning, we usually have prior information about structures among variables in data. In our team, we study theories and algorithms for learning with such structural information. Moreover, we conduct applied researches by applying developed algorithms to a variety of scientific and engineering data.

Research Subjects:

  • Machine learning with structural prior information
  • Machine learning for analysis, prediction and control of complex dynamics
  • Application of developed methods to scientific and engineering data

Main Research Fields

  • Informatics

Related Research Fields

  • Engineering
  • Mathematical & Physical Sciences
  • Mathematical informatics
  • Statistical science
  • Intelligent informatics


  • Machine Learning
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Learning with Prior Knowledge
  • Nonlinear Dynamics

Selected Publications

  • 1. Weissenbacher, Agarwal, R., and Kawahara, Y.:
    "SiT: Symmetry-Invariant Transformers for Generalisation in Reinforcement Learning"
    Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, pp.52695-52719 (2024).
  • 2. Fujii, K., Takeuchi, K., Kuribayashi, A., Takeishi, N., Kawahara, Y., and Takeda, K.:
    "Estimating Counterfactual Treatment Outcomes Over Time in Complex Multiagent Scenarios"
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2024).
  • 3. Ohnishi, M., Ishikawa, I., Lowrey, K., Ikeda, M., Kakade, S., and Kawahara, Y.:
    "Koopman Spectrum Nonlinear Regulators and Efficient On-line Learning"
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research (2024).
  • 4. Konishi, T. and Kawahara, Y.:
    "Stable invariant models via Koopman spectra"
    Neural Networks 165, pp.393-405 (2023).
  • 5. Iwata, T. and Kawahara, Y.:
    "Neural dynamic mode decomposition for end-to-end modeling of nonlinear dynamics"
    Journal of Computational Dynamics 10(2), pp.268-280 (2023).
  • 6. Weissenbacher, M., Sinha, S., Garg, A., and Kawahara, Y.:
    "Koopman Q-learning: Offline reinforcement learning via symmetries of dynamics"
    Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, pp.23645-23667 (2022).
  • 7. Ikeda, S., Kawano, K., Watanabe, S., Yamashita, O., and Kawahara, Y.:
    "Predicting behavior through dynamic modes in resting-state fMRI data"
    NeuroImage 247, 118801 (2022).
  • 8. Hashimoto, Y., Ishikawa, I., Ikeda, M., Komura, F., Katsura, T., and Kawahara, Y.:
    "Reproducing kernel Hilbert C*-modules and kernel mean embeddings"
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol.22, No.267, pp.1-56 (2021).
  • 9. Fujii, K., Takeishi, N., Tsutui, K., Fujioka, E., Nishiumi, N., Tanaka, R., Fukushiro, M., Ide, K., Kohno, H., Yoda, K., Takahashi, S., Hiryu, S., and Kawahara, Y.:
    "Learning interactions rules from multi-animal trajectories via augmented behavioral models"
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, pp.11108-11122 (2021).
  • 10. Takeishi, N., and Kawahara, Y.:
    "Learning Dynamics Models with Stable Invariant Sets"
    Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.9782-9790 (2021).

Related Links

Lab Members

Principal investigator

Yoshinobu Kawahara
Team Leader

Core members

Velmurugan Gandhi
Postdoctoral Researcher
Itsushi Sakata
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yoshiteru Nishimura
Technical Staff I
Keisuke Fujii
Visiting Scientist
Yuka Hashimoto
Visiting Scientist
Takuya Konishi
Visiting Scientist
Naoya Takeishi
Visiting Scientist
Jingjing Bai
Research Part-time Worker I
Ryogo Tanaka
Research Part-time Worker I
Yuto Inui
Research Part-time Worker II
Yuta Miyauchi
Research Part-time Worker II


Position Deadline
Seeking a Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher (W23337) Open until filled

Contact Information

Graduate School of Information Science A Bldg.,
Suita Campus, Osaka University,
1-5 Yamadaoka, Suita-shi, Osaka
565-0871 Japan
Email: yoshinobu.kawahara@riken.jp
