RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research Laboratory for Human Organogenesis
Team Leader: Minoru Takasato (Ph.D.)
Research Summary
By precisely recapitulating the developmental process of human kidney in directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells, we are trying to achieve the ultimate goal, generation of a three-dimensional urinary tract including the kidney and the bladder that is functional and transplantable to the patients. We also study about how to recapitulate the development of other organs that connect to the kidney. We are highly interested in studies of human embryology. Utilizing our unique technology that generates hPSCs-derived kidney organoids from the pluripotent stage in vitro, we are especially investigating developmental mechanisms of human mesoderm and urinary organs.
Main Research Fields
- Biology
Related Research Fields
- Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmacy
- Kidney development
- iPS cell
- Directed differentiation
- Kidney organoid
- three-dimensional organogenesis
Selected Publications
Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.
- 1.
Susaki, E. A. & Takasato, M.
"Perspective: Extending the Utility of Three-Dimensional Organoids by Tissue Clearing Technologies."
Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9, 1–12 (2021) - 2.
Tomoda, K., Hu, H., Sahara, Y., Sanyal, H., Takasato, M. & Kime, C.
"Reprogramming epiblast stem cells into pre-implantation blastocyst cell-like cells."
Stem Cell Reports 16, 1197–1209 (2021) - 3.
Knarston, I. M., Pachernegg, S., Robevska, G., Ghobrial, I., Er, P. X., Georges, E., Takasato, M., et al.
"An In Vitro Differentiation Protocol for Human Embryonic Bipotential Gonad and Testis Cell Development."
Stem Cell Reports 15, 1377–1391 (2020) - 4.
Takasato, M. & Wymeersch, F. J.
"Challenges to future regenerative applications using kidney organoids."
Curr. Opin. Biomed. Eng. 13, 144–151 (2020) - 5.
Phipson, B., Er, P. X., Combes, A. N., Forbes, T. A., Howden, S. E., Zappia, L., Yen, H.-J., Lawlor, K. T., Hale, L. J., Sun, J., Wolvetang, E., Takasato, M., Oshlack, A. & Little, M. H.
"Evaluation of variability in human kidney organoids."
Nat. Methods 16, 79–87 (2019) - 6.
Takasato, M.
"Advice for the Next Generation: Minoru Takasato."
Cell Stem Cell 24, 688–689 (2019). - 7.
*Takasato, M., Er, P. X., Chiu, H. S. & Little, M. H.
"Generation of kidney organoids from human pluripotent stem cells."
Nat. Protoc. 11, 1681–92 (2016) - 8.
*Takasato, M., Er, P. X., Chiu, H. S., Maier, B., Baillie, G. J., Ferguson, C., Parton, R. G., Wolvetang, E. J., Roost, M. S., Chuva de Sousa Lopes, S. M. & Little, M. H.
"Kidney organoids from human iPS cells contain multiple lineages and model human nephrogenesis."
Nature 526, 564–8 (2015) - 9.
*Takasato, M. & Little, M. H.
"The origin of the mammalian kidney: implications for recreating the kidney in vitro."
Development 142, 1937–1947 (2015) - 10.
*Takasato, M., Er, P. X., Becroft, M., Vanslambrouck, J. M., Stanley, E. G., Elefanty, A. G. & Little, M. H.
"Directing human embryonic stem cell differentiation towards a renal lineage generates a self-organizing kidney."
Nat. Cell Biol. 16, 118–126 (2014)
Recent Research Results
Dec. 21, 2022
The next milestones in generating artificial organs
Related Links
Lab Members
Principal investigator
- Minoru Takasato
- Team Leader
Core members
- Wei Zhao
- Research Scientist
- Filip Jos Wymeersch
- Research Scientist
- Junichi Taniguchi
- Special Postdoctoral Researcher
- Olena Trush
- Research Scientist
- Yoshiki Sahara
- Visiting Scientist
- Chie Fukui
- Technical Staff I
- Kensuke Yabuuchi
- Research Associate
- Kazuhiro Ofuji
- Research Associate
- Rio Noto
- Student Trainee
- Wataru Uno
- Junior Research Associate
- Yukari Usuda
- Student Trainee
- Taiki Satoh
- Junior Research Associate
- Masaya Goto
- Student Trainee
- Eri Yamashita
- Administrative Part-time Worker I
Contact Information
3F, RIKEN BDR Developmental Biology Bldg.A,
2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuou-ku,
Kobe, Hyogo,
650-0047 Japan
Email: minoru.takasato [at] riken.jp