RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science Plant Genomic Network Research Team
Team Leader: Motoaki Seki (Ph.D.)
Research Summary
We are analyzing novel epigenetic, RNA and peptide regulation mechanisms in environmental stress adaptation and acclimation by cutting-edge genomic approaches. We aim to develop useful plant resources, such as stress-tolerant plants by use of chemical compounds etc. We are analyzing regulatory networks of tuber root development in cassava by integrated omics analyses and aim to develop useful cassava plants, such as improved plant productivity.
Main Research Fields
- Biology
Related Research Fields
- Biological Sciences
- Agricultural Sciences
- Plant Functional Genomics
- Environmental Stress Adaptation
- Cassava
- Epigenetic Regulation
- RNA Regulation
Selected Publications
- 1.
Kim, J.M., To, K.T., Matsui, A., Tanoi, K., Kobayashi, N.I., Matsuda, F., Habu, Y., Ogawa, D., Sakamoto, T., Matsunaga, S., Bashir, K., Rasheed, S., Ando, M., Takeda, H., Kawaura, K., Kusano, M., Fukushima, A., Endo, A.T., Kuromori, T., Ishida, J., Morosawa, T., Tanaka, M., Torii, C., Takebayashi, Y., Sakakibara, H., Ogihara, Y., Saito, K., Shinozaki, K., Devoto, A. and Seki, M.:
"Acetate-mediated novel survival strategy against drought in plants."
Nature Plants 3: 17097 (2017). - 2.
Nguyen, H.M., Sako, K., Matsui, A., Suzuki, Y., Mostofa, M.G., Ha, C.V., Tanaka, M., Tran, L.S.P., Habu, Y. and Seki, M.:
"Ethanol enhances high-salinity stress tolerance by detoxifying reactive oxygen species in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice."
Front. Plant Sci. 8: 1001 (2017). - 3.
Matsui, A., Iida, K., Tanaka, M., Yamaguchi, K., Mizunashi, K., Kim, J.M., Takahashi, S., Kobayashi, N., Shigenobu, S., Shinozaki, K. and Seki, M.:
"Novel stress-inducible antisense RNAs of protein-coding loci are synthesized by Arabidopsis RDRs."
Plant Physiol. 175, 457-472 (2017). - 4.
Ueda, M., Matsui, A., Tanaka, M., Nakamura, T., Abe, T., Sako, K., Sasaki, T., Kim, J.M., Ito, A., Nishino, N., Shimada, H., Yoshida, M. and Seki, M.:
"The distinct role of RPD3-like histone deacetylases between class I and II in salinity stress response."
Plant Physiol. 175, 1760-1773 (2017). - 5.
Nakaminami, K., Okamoto, M., Higuchi-Takeuchi, M., Yoshizumi, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Fukao, Y., Shimizu, M., Ohashi, C., Tanaka, M., Matsui, M., Shinozaki, K., Seki, M.* and Hanada, K.*.:
"AtPep3 is a hormone-like peptide that plays a role in salinity stress tolerance of plants."
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 5810-5815 (2018). - 6.
Sako, K., Futamura, Y., Shimizu, T., Matsui, A., Hirano, H., Kondoh, Y., Muroi, M., Aono, H., Tanaka, M., Honda, K., Shimizu, K., Kawatani, M., Nakano, T., Osada, H., Noguchi, K. and Seki, M.:
"Inhibition of mitochondrial complex I by the novel compound FSL0260 enhances high salinity-stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana."
Sci Rep, 10, 8691 (2020). - 7.
Utsumi, Y., Tanaka, M., Utsumi, C., Takahashi, S., Matsui, A., Fukushima, A., Kobayashi, M., Sasaki, R., Oikawa, A., Kusano, M., Saito, K., Kojima, M., Sakakibara, H., Sojikul, P., Narangajavana, J. and Seki, M.:
"Integrative omics approaches revealed a crosstalk among phytohormones during tuberous root development in cassava."
Plant Mol. Biol. 109:249-269. (2022). - 8.
Tokunaga, H., Do, T.N.Q, Nguyen, H.A., Pham, T.N., Matsui, A., Takahashi, S., Tanaka, M., Ngo, M.A., Nguyen, V.D., Le, H.H., Higo, A., Truong, M.H., Ishitani, M., Nguyen B.N.M., Nguyen, H.H., Srean, P., Vu, A.T., Nguyen, B.T., Nguyen, A.V., Yamaguchi, K., Tsuji, H., Utsumi, Y. and Seki, M.:
"Field transcriptome analysis reveals a molecular mechanism for cassava-flowering in a mountainous environment in Southeast Asia."
Plant Mol. Biol. 109:233-248. (2022). - 9.
Bashir, K., Todaka, D., Rasheed, S., Matsui, A., Ahmad, Z., Sako, K., Utsumi, Y., Vu, A.T., Tanaka, M., Takahashi, S., Ishida, J., Tsuboi, Y., Watanabe, S., Kanno, Y., Ando, E., Shin, K.C., Seito, M., Motegi, H., Sato, M., Li, R., Kikuchi, S., Fujita, M., Kusano, M., Kobayashi, M., Habu, Y., Nagano, A.J., Kawaura, K., Kikuchi, J., Saito, K., Hirai, M.Y., Seo, M., Shinozaki, K., Kinoshita, T. and Seki, M.:
"Ethanol-mediated novel survival strategy against drought stress in plants."
Plant Cell Physiol (Rapid Paper) 63:1181-1192.(2022). - 10.Todaka, D., Quynh, D.T.N., Tanaka, M., Utsumi, Y., Utsumi, C., Ezoe, A., Takahashi, S., Ishida, J., Kusano, M., Kobayashi, M., Saito, K., Nagano, A.J., Nakano, Y., Mitsuda, N., Fujiwara, S. and Seki, M.:
"Application of ethanol alleviates heat damage to leaf growth and yield in tomato."
Front. Plant Sci. 15:1325365.(2024).
Recent Research Results
Dec. 20, 2022
Ethanol preps rice and wheat for drought -
Sep. 30, 2022
Ethanol helps plants better tolerate heat stress -
Dec. 17, 2021
Healthier tapioca starch is on the way -
Nov. 27, 2020
Environmental cues control cassava flowering -
May 17, 2018
Plant peptide spells relief from salty stress -
Oct. 30, 2015
Plant stress adaptation in the hot seat
Related Links
Lab Members
Principal investigator
- Motoaki Seki
- Team Leader
Core members
- Yoshinori Utsumi
- Research Scientist
- Minoru Ueda
- Research Scientist
- Daisuke Todaka
- Research Scientist
- Yutaka Ogawa
- Research Scientist
- Akihiro Ezoe
- Special Postdoctoral Researcher
- Maho Tanaka
- Technical Staff I
- Junko Ishida
- Technical Staff I
- Satoshi Takahashi
- Technical Staff I
- Chikako Utsumi
- Technical Staff II
- Huong Thi Pham
- International Program Associate
- Farhan Aziz
- International Program Associate
Contact Information
E818 East Research Building 1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa, 230-0045, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)45-503-9587, 045-503-9622(PHS)
Fax: +81-(0)45-503-9584