Seeking a few Postdoctoral Researchers, Contract Researchers, Technical Staffs I or II (W24009)
RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science
(Director: Hiroyoshi Sakurai)
Research Field
Promoting science and technology related to "element transmutation" founded by Dr. Yoshio Nishina more than 80 years ago, RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science challenges two ultimate questions: "How are elements created in the universe?" and "Can human beings freely transmute elements?" By returning the research results obtained to society, we are trying to solve the environmental, energy and resource problems faced by humankind.
The Nishina Center operates the RI Beam Factory (RIBF), the world's highest performing heavy ion accelerator facility where radioisotopes that do not exist in nature are artificially created. The Nishina Center promotes researches on the synthesis of superheavy elements with one prime example being nihonium, researches in the fields of magic numbers, nucleosynthesis in the universe, and reducing radioactive waste, as well as theoretical research linking these fields.
For more information, please refer to the following webpage:
About The Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science
Job title and Job description
Job title, available positions
Postdoctoral Researcher, Contract Researcher, Technical Staff I, Technical Staff II: a few positions
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Postdoctoral Researcher is defined as those who obtained a doctoral degree no more than 5 years ago.
- Contract Researcher
- Contract Researcher is defined as those who have held a doctoral degree for over five years.
- Technical Staff I
- Technical Staff I shall provide technical support to the Group or Team at their own discretion.
- Technical Staff II
- Technical Staff II shall provide technical support to the Group or Team.
Job description
The successful candidate(s) will carry out the “Development of production technology for useful radioisotopes (RIs) using accelerators” task under the commissioned project “Development of stable and efficient production technology for RIs using accelerators” approved in FY2023 by Fukushima Institute for Research, Education and Innovation (F-REI). The successful candidate(s) will be engaged in development of production technologies, production, application, and distribution of useful RIs for applications in medicine, agriculture, engineering, and other fields, by using the heavy-ion accelerators and the unsealed RI handling facilities at RIKEN RI Beam Factory. The successful candidate(s) are expected to be in charge either of accelerator operation and maintenance, RI production and separation, and radiation control at F-REI in future. Assignments and jobs will be one of the following.
- A.Cyclotron Team, Accelerator Group Director: Osamu Kamigaito, Team Leader: Naruhiko Sakamoto
Development of ion beam acceleration technology; operation, maintenance, and management of accelerators and beam lines - B. Nuclear Chemistry Group Director: Hiromitsu Haba
Development of RI production and separation technology; maintenance and management of RI production and separation apparatuses and hot laboratories; RI distribution - C. Safety Management Group Director: Kanenobu Tanaka
Radiation safety management; maintenance of radiation facilities; radiation measurement; research and development of detectors and shielding
If there are any changes in job description during the contract period or upon contract renewal to the extension described above, it will be made within the scope of each job description A through C determined at the time of hiring. During the term of the contract or at the time of contract renewal, for example, the work of a person engaged in research project A can not be changed to B (i.e., a change in the Letter I.D. of the research project will not be made).
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Contract Researcher
- The candidate should possess a doctoral degree in relevant fields, or is a prospective PhD candidate who is scheduled to obtain a doctoral degree before the first day of work.
- The candidate is expected to conduct works actively and steadily under the smooth cooperation with persons involved from inside/outside of RIKEN.
- The candidate for C. above must be able to communicate smoothly in Japanese.
- Technical Staff I, Technical Staff II
- Graduated from a university for natural sciences or science course of a technical school, or with equivalent or higher background.
- Able to communicate smoothly with collaborators and work in a collaborative and cooperative manner.
- Possess specialized knowledge and skills relevant to the "Job description" or equivalent.
- The candidate for C. above must be able to communicate smoothly in Japanese.
*Positions will be determined based on the qualifications, abilities, and aptitude of the applicant.
Work location
RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science (2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198)
RIKEN has implemented a work-from-home system. Employees can work from home in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
RIKEN may order the employee to change work locations, if necessary.
Salary and benefits
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Contract Researcher
- 1.A one-year fixed-term employment contract, renewable based on evaluation, to a maximum of 5 years from the initial date of hire.
- 2.RIKEN may adjust the above maximum period of renewability based on a) the employee’s abilities, work load at the time of contract completion, performance and work attitude and b) the continuation of the employee’s center, laboratory or project and RIKEN’s management situation and budget at the time. In principle, employment contracts will not be renewed for individuals older than 70 years.
- 3.There will be an interim review on the third year.
- Technical Staff I, Technical Staff II
- 1.A one-year fixed-term employment contract, renewable based on evaluation, to a maximum of March 31, 2030.
- 2.RIKEN may adjust the above maximum period of renewability based on a) the employee’s abilities, work load at the time of contract completion, performance and work attitude and b) the continuation of the employee’s center, laboratory or project and RIKEN’s management situation and budget at the time. In principle, employment contracts will not be renewed for individuals older than 70 years.
- 3.There will be an interim review on the fifth year.
In principle, the first two months of employment is considered a trial period.
Salary will be an annual salary based on experience, ability, and performance, and will consist of a base salary and a variable salary. The variable salary will be determined each fiscal year based on experience, ability, and performance. The monthly base salary is 305,100 JPY for Postdoctoral Researcher or Contract Researcher, 248,700 JPY for Technical Staff I, 215,600 JPY for Technical Staff II as of April 1,2024. The monthly base salary and variable salary are subject to change due to amendments to RIKEN regulations.
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Contract Researcher and Technical Staff I
- Discretionary work, commuting and housing allowances will be provided. Social insurance will be applied.
Commuting and housing allowances will be provided. Social insurance will be applied.
The approximate amount of annual salary at the time of employment:
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Contract Researcher
- The monthly salary including discretionary work allowance at the time of employment will be 342,915 JPY or more for Postdoctoral Researcher or Contract Researcher.
- Technical Staff I
- The monthly salary including discretionary work allowance at the time of employment will be 279,525 JPY or more for Technical Staff I.
- Technical Staff II
- The monthly salary will be 215,600 JPY or more for Technical Staff II
Mandatory membership in the RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society (RIKEN Kyosaikai).
Postdoctoral Researcher, Contract Researcher and Technical Staff I position falls under the specialized duties discretionary work system; one working day will be calculated as 7 hours and 30 minutes.
Technical staffⅡfalls under the non-discretionary work system; Work hours: 9:00 to 17:20 (lunch break 12:00 to 12:50). Supervisors may instruct employees to work outside of these hours.
Days off include public holidays, New Year's holidays (Dec. 29 - Jan 3), and RIKEN Foundation Day.
Paid leave includes annual paid leave (up to 20 days depending on the month of employment), special paid leave (childcare, family nursing care, etc.), and work life balance holidays (up to 7 days depending on the month of employment).
There are also additional leave systems such as maternity leave, childcare leave, and family nursing care leave.
Smoking will be entirely prohibited on site from April 2024.
These and other provisions are in accordance with RIKEN regulations.
RIKEN is actively undertaking initiatives to promote gender equality and diversity, and moving forward with the establishment of a diverse and vibrant research environment. If multiple candidates are found to have the same aptitude following a fair assessment, active efforts will be made to recruit female candidates.
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Contract Researcher
- Also, eligible for an exemption from repayment for category 1 scholarship loans provided by the Japan Student Services Organization before fiscal year 2003, and eligible applying for the MEXT Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi).
RIKEN has a work-from-home system, but this position requires attendance at the work location.
The Wako Campus has an on-site daycare, RIKEN Kids Wako. For details, please send an email to the HR at kids [at]
Application and required documents
Required documents
- 1.Complete CV or CV (with photo and email address)
- *Write the RIKEN job ad number “W24009”, indicated in the parentheses next to the job title, in the RIKEN job ad number section in the upper right corner of your CV.
- 2.List of achievements (Please categorize: Papers on refereed journal, Papers on non-refereed journal, Conference presentation, Patents, Competitive funds, Others) Or list of acquired skills and experience work (for Technical Staff I or Technical Staff II)
- 3.Summary of major achievements to date and research proposal in future (two pages A4 sized paper, respectively)
- 4.A letter of recommendation from the current supervisor (If unavailable, a letter from a substitute reference will be acceptable.)*Please specify the referee’s contact information (Name, affiliation, job title, phone number, and email address)
- 5.Name of the Group or Team you wish to be affiliated with
- 6.Consent form for handling personal information based on GDPR
- *If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA)or UK, you are required to submit the document, "Consent form for handling personal information based on GDPR and Regulation of the European Parliament and of the council of on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (UK General Data Protection Regulation)" with your signature.
- You will find detailed information about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the following website:
Data protection | European Commission - You will find detailed information about Regulation of the European Parliament and of the council of on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (UK GDPR) on the following website:
Data Protection and the EU | Information Commissioner’s Office
- You will find detailed information about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the following website:
- *If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA)or UK, you are required to submit the document, "Consent form for handling personal information based on GDPR and Regulation of the European Parliament and of the council of on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (UK General Data Protection Regulation)" with your signature.
How to apply
- 1.Contacting the Group you wish to be affiliated with:
Please contact the Group you wish to be affiliated with from among the following list of Groups and Laboratory of the Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, and inquire about your job before submitting your application.
List of Groups to choose from:
- Accelerator Group (Osamu Kamigaito kamigait [at]
- Cyclotron Team, Accelerator Group(Naruhiko Sakamoto nsakamot [at]
- Nuclear Chemistry Group (Hiromitsu Haba haba [at]
- Safety Management Group(Kanenobu Tanaka ktanaka [at]
- 2.Submission of application documents
The above documents except the recommendation letters combined into a single ZIP file should be uploaded to the following link:
Application documents: F-REI, RNC
- *The file name of the ZIP should contain your name.
- *After you uploaded the ZIP file, please let us (rnc-jinji [at] know the file name of the uploaded file.
Recommendation letters must be directly submitted from the referees to the following link with the file name "F-REI, RNC [applicant’s name] (Recommendation letter)".
After the recommenders uploaded the recommendation letter, please let us (rnc-jinji [at] know the file name of the uploaded file.
Application documents: F-REI, RNC
If a confirmation email is not received within 7 days after submission, please contact: rnc-jinji [at]
Note: All the submitted documents will not be returned.
Open until the position is filled.
Handling Personal Data
Submitted documents are strictly protected under the RIKEN Privacy Policy and will be used only for the purpose of applicant screening at RIKEN. Personal information will not be disclosed, transferred or loaned to a third party under any circumstances without just cause.
Selection process
Application screening, interview and oral presentation by selected applicants
Start of Employment
As early as possible
Contact Information
For inquiries concerning the research
- Accelerator Group (Osamu Kamigaito, kamigait [at]
- Cyclotron Team, Accelerator Group(Naruhiko Sakamoto, nsakamot [at]
- Nuclear Chemistry Group (Hiromitsu Haba, haba [at]
- Safety Management Group(Kanenobu Tanaka, ktanaka [at]
For other inquiries
Nishina Center Screening Working Group Email: rnc-jinji [at]
For inquiries, please send an email.
Updated as of Aug 28, 2024: "Job description" and "How to apply"