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RIKEN Center for Computational Science Computational Materials Science Research Team

Team Leader: Seiji Yunoki (D.Eng.)

Research Summary

Seiji  Yunoki(D.Eng.)

One of our main focuses is to develop state-of-the-art numerical methods such as quantum Monte Carlo methods and tensor network methods including the density matrix renormalization method for simulating ground states as well as quantum dynamics of strongly correlated quantum systems. We are also interested in developing quantum algorithms for quantum many-body systems and quantum computing simulations using classical computers such as Supercomputer Fugaku, as a ground challenge of information science in quest of a new computing paradigm.

Main Research Fields

  • Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering


  • Condensed matter physics
  • Materials science

Selected Publications

  • 1. RY. Sun, T. Shirakawa, and S. Yunoki:
    "Efficient variational quantum circuit structure for correlated topological phases"
    Physical Review B 108, 075127 (2023).
  • 2. RY. Sun, T. Shirakawa, and S. Yunoki:
    "Parameterized quantum circuit for weight-adjustable quantum loop gas"
    Physical Review B 107, L041109 (2023).
  • 3. T. Shirakawa and S. Yunoki:
    "Local multiplet formation around a single vacancy in graphene: An effective Anderson model analysis based on the block-Lanczos DMRG method"
    Physical Review B 105, 184110 (2022).
  • 4. Y. Otsuka, T. Yoshida, K. Kudo, S. Yunoki, and Y. Hatsugai:
    "Higher order topological Mott insulator on the pyrochlore lattice"
    Scientific Reports 11, 20270 (2021).
  • 5. T. Shirakawa, K. Seki, and S. Yunoki:
    "Discretized quantum adiabatic process for free fermions and comparison with the imaginary-time evolution"
    Physical Review Research 3, 013004 (2021).
  • 6. Y. Otsuka, K. Seki, S. Sorella, and S. Yunoki:
    "Dirac electrons in the square-lattice Hubbard model with a d-wave pairing field: The chiral Heisenberg universality class revisited"
    Physical Review B 102, 235105 (2020).
  • 7. T. Shirakawa, S. Miyakoshi, and S. Yunoki:
    "Photoinduced eta pairing in the Kondo lattice model"
    Physical Review B 101, 174307 (2020).
  • 8. K. Seki, Y. Otsuka, S. Yunoki, and S. Sorella:
    "Fermi-liquid ground state of interacting Dirac fermions in two dimensions"
    Physical Review B 99, 125145 (2019)
  • 9. M. Khazaei, A. Mishra, N. S. Venkataramanan, A. K. Singh, and S. Yunoki:
    "Recent advances in MXenes: From fundamentals to applications"
    Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 23, 164 (2019)
  • 10. Y. Otsuka, K. Seki, S. Sorella, and S. Yunoki:
    "Quantum criticality in the metal-superconductor transition of interacting Dirac fermions on a triangular lattice"
    Physical Review B 98, 035126 (2018)

Recent Research Results

Related Links

Lab Members

Principal investigator

Seiji Yunoki
Team Leader

Core members

Tomonori Shirakawa
Senior Scientist
Rongyang Sun
Research Scientist
Kazuma Nagao
Postdoctoral Researcher
Hidehiko Kohshiro
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ravi Teja Ponnaganti
Postdoctoral Researcher
Han Xu
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lukas Broers
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yuichi Otsuka
Technical Scientist
Shigetoshi Sota
Technical Scientist
Takami Tohyama
Senior Visiting Scientist
Hiroshi Ueda
Visiting Scientist
Shohei Miyakoshi
Visiting Scientist
Takanori Sugimoto
Visiting Scientist


Position Deadline
Seeking a few Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers (K24077) Open until filled
Seeking a few Senior Scientists, Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers (R-CCS2333) Open until filled
Seeking Research Scientists or Postdoctoral Researchers (R-CCS2314) Open until filled

Contact Information

7-1-26 Minatojima-minami-machi,
Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
650-0047, Japan
Email: yunoki [at] riken.jp
