RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science Strong Correlation Theory Research Group
Group Director: Naoto Nagaosa (D.Sc.)
Research Summary

We study theoretically the strongly correlated electronic states in solids from the viewpoint of topology and explore new functions, including non-dissipative currents. Combining first-principles electronic structure calculations, analytic methods of quantum field theory and numerical analysis of models for correlated systems, we predict and design magnetic, optical, transport and thermal properties of correlated electrons focusing on their internal degrees of freedom such as spin and orbital. In particular, we study extensively the nontrivial interplay between these various properties, i.e., cross-correlation, and develop new concepts such as electron fractionalization and non-dissipative quantum operation by considering the topology given by the relativistic spin-orbit interaction and/or spin textures.
Main Research Fields
- Mathematical & Physical Sciences
Related Research Fields
- Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering
- Electrons in solids
- Spintronics
- Superconductivity
- Thermal transport
Selected Publications
Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN.
- 1.T. Morimoto and N. Nagaosa:
"Chiral Anomaly and Giant Magnetochiral Anisotropy in Noncentrosymmetric Weyl Semimetals"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 146603. (2016) - 2.T. Morimoto and N. Nagaosa:
"Topological nature of nonlinear optical effects in solids"
SCIENCE ADVANCES 2, e1501524. (2016) - 3.A. S. Mishchenko, N. Nagaosa, N. Prokof’ev.:
"Diagrammatic Monte Carlo Method for Many-Polaron Problems"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 166402. (2014). - 4.M. Mochizuki, XZ. Yu, S. Seki, N. Kanazawa, W, Koshibae, J. Zang, M. Mostovoy, Y. Tokura, N. Nagaosa.:
"Thermally driven ratchet motion of a skyrmion microcrystal and topological magnon Hall effect"
Nature Materials 13, 241. (2014). - 5.J. Iwasaki, M. Mochizuki, N. Nagaosa.:
"Universal current-velocity relation of skyrmion motion in chiral magnets"
Nature Communications 4, 1463. (2013). - 6.N. Nagaosa, J. Sinova, S. Onoda, A. H. MacDonald, N. P. Ong.:
"Anomalous Hall effect"
Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 1539. (2010). - 7.Y. Onose, et al.:
"Observation of the Magnon Hall Effect"
Science 329, 297. (2010). - 8.* P. A. Lee, N. Nagaosa, X. G. Wen.:
"Doping a Mott insulator: Physics of high-temperature superconductivity"
Rev. Mod. Phys. 78, 17. (2006). - 9.* S. Murakami, N. Nagaosa, S. C. Zhang.:
"Dissipationless quantum spin current at room temperature"
Science 301, 1348. (2003). - 10.* Z. Fang, et al.:
"The anomalous Hall effect and magnetic monopoles in momentum space"
Science 302, 92. (2003).
Recent Research Results
Aug. 4, 2017
An uneven resistanceMar. 3, 2017
Weyl fermions, on the other handJul. 29, 2016
A new tilt on an old particleSep. 4, 2015
Spins on the edgeAug. 28, 2015
Electrons take a phonon bathDec. 19, 2014
Skyrmions like it hotOct. 10, 2014
A critical point for the materials of tomorrowAug. 15, 2014
Thin films reveal hidden potentialMar. 20, 2014
Dance of the skyrmionsMay 10, 2013
The changing phase of quantum materials
Related Links
Lab Members
Principal investigator
- Naoto Nagaosa
- Group Director
Core members
- Wataru Koshibae
- Senior Scientist
- Andrey Mishchenko
- Senior Scientist
- Jun He
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Ryota Nakai
- Special Postdoctoral Researcher
- Akihiko Sekine
- Special Postdoctoral Researcher
- Daichi Kurebayashi
- Special Postdoctoral Researcher
- Tze Tzen Ong
- Visiting Scientist
- Bohm-Jung Yang
- Visiting Scientist
- Takahiro Morimoto
- Visiting Scientist
- Shintaro Hoshino
- Visiting Scientist
Contact Information
Frontier Research Laboratory, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Email: nagaosa [at] riken.jp