主任研究員研究室 鈴木地球・惑星生命科学研究室
主任研究員 鈴木 志野(Ph.D.)

- 総合生物
- 農学
- 生物学
- 地球微生物学
- バイオインフォマティクス
- 生命の起源と進化
- 未利用遺伝資源の利用
- アストロバイオロジー
- 1.
*M. K. Nobu, R. Nakai, S. Tamazawa, H. Mori, A. Toyoda, A. Ijiri, S. Suzuki, K. Kurokawa, Y. Kamagata, H. Tamaki.
"Unique H2-utilizing lithotrophy in serpentinite-hosted systems"
The ISME Journal volume 17, 95–104 (2023) - 2.
*L. J Bird, J.G. Kuenen, M. R. Osburn, N. Tomioka, S. Ishii, C. Barr, K. H. Nealson, S. Suzuki*.
"Serpentinimonas gen. nov., Serpentinimonas raichei sp. nov., Serpentinimonas barnesii sp. nov. and Serpentinimonas maccroryi sp. nov., hyperalkaliphilic and facultative autotrophic bacteria isolated from terrestrial serpentinizing springs"
IJSEM 71: 8 (2021) - 3.
*P. Fryer, C.G. Wheat, T. Williams, C. Kelley, K. Johnson, J. Ryan, W. Kurz, J. Shervais, E. Albers, B. Bekins, B. Debret, J. Deng, Y. Dong, P. Eickenbusch, E. Frery, Y. Ichiyama, R. Johnston, R. Kevorkian, V. Magalhaes, S. Mantovanelli, W. Menapace, C. Menzies, K. Michibayashi, C. Moyer, K. Mullane, J. Park, R. Price, O. Sissmann, S. Suzuki, K. Takai, B. Walter, R. Zhang, D. Amon, D. Glickson, S. Pomponi.
"Mariana serpentinite mud volcanism exhumes subducted seamount materials: implications for the origin of life."
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 278: 2165 (2020) - 4.
*S. Suzuki*, K.H. Nealson, S. Ishii.
"Genomic and in-situ transcriptomic characterization of the candidate phylum NPL-UPL2 from highly-alkaline highly-reducing serpentinized groundwater."
Frontier in Microbiology 9: 3141. (2020) - 5.
*S. Ishii#*, S. Suzuki#, A. Tenney, K. H. Nealson and O. Bretschger.
"Comparative metatranscriptomics reveals extracellular electron transfer pathways conferring microbial adaptivity to surface redox potential changes"
The ISME Journal volume 12, 2844–2863 (2018) - 6.
*S. Suzuki#*, S. Ishii#*, T. Hoshino, A. Rietze, A. Tenney, P. L Morrill, F. Inagaki, J. G. Kuenen, K. H Nealson.
"Unusual metabolic diversity of hyperalkaliphilic microbial communities associated with subterranean serpentinization at The Cedars."
The ISME Journal 11: 2584-2598. (2017) - 7.
*S. Suzuki*, J. G. Kuenen, K. Schipper, S. van der Velde, S. Ishii, A. Wu, D. Y. Sorokin, A. Tenney, X.Y. Meng, P. L. Morrill, Y. Kamagata, G. Muyzer, K. H. Nealson.
"Physiological and genomic features of highly alkaliphilic hydrogen-utilizing Betaproteobacteria from a continental serpentinizing site"
Nature Communications 5: 3900. (2014) - 8.
*S. Suzuki*, S. Ishii, A. Wu, A. Cheung, G. Wanger, A. Tenney, J. G. Kuenen, and K. H. Nealson.
"Microbial diversity in The Cedars, an ultra-basic, ultra-reducing and low salinity serpentinizing ecosystem."
Proc Ntrl Acad Sci USA. 110: 15336-41. (2013) - 9.
*S. Ishii#*, S. Suzuki#, T. M. Norden-Krichmar, A. Tenney, P. S. G. Chain, M. B. Scholz, K. H. Nealson and O. Bretschger.
"A novel metatranscriptomic approach to identify gene expression dynamics during extracellular electron transfer."
Nature Communications 4: 1601. (2013) - 10.
*S. Suzuki, T. Aono, K.B.Lee, T. Suzuki, C. T. Liu, H. Miwa, S. Wakao, T. Iki and H. Oyaizu.
"Rhizobial Factors Required for Stem Nodule Maturation and Maintenance in Sesbania rostrata-Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 Symbiosis"
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73:6650-6659 (2007)
- 鈴木 志野
- 主任研究員
- 大前 公保
- 研究員
- 網藏 和晃
- 研究員
募集職種 | 応募締切 |
研究パートタイマーⅠまたは研究パートタイマーⅡ募集(W24174) | ポストが決まり次第 |
〒351-0198 埼玉県和光市広沢2-1
Email: shino.suzuki [at] riken.jp