理研ECL研究チーム・理研ECL研究ユニット 横林エピゲノムダイナミクス理研ECL研究チーム
理研ECL研究チームリーダー 横林 しほり(Ph.D.)
- 生物学
- 総合生物
- 医歯薬学
- 分子生物学関連
- 発生生物学関連
- ゲノム生物学関連
- ヒト多能性幹細胞
- エピゲノム多様性
- ヘテロクロマチン
- 生殖細胞
- 哺乳類発生
- 1.
*Nagano M, Hu B, Yokobayashi S, Yamamura A, Umemura F, Coradin M, Ohta H, Yabuta Y, Ishikura Y, Okamoto I, Ikeda H, Kawahira N, Nosaka Y, Shimizu S, Kojima Y, Mizuta K, Kasahara T, Imoto Y, Meehan K, Stocsits R, Wutz G, Hiraoka Y, Murakawa Y, Yamamoto T, Tachibana K, Peters JM, Mirny L, Garcia B, Majewski J, Saitou M.
"Nucleome programming is required for the foundation of totipotency in mammalian germline development"
The EMBO Journal, 41: e110600 (2022) - 2.
*Yokobayashi S, Yabuta Y, Nakagawa M, Okita K, Hu B, Murase Y, Nakamura T, Bourque G, Majewski J, Yamamoto T, Saitou M.
"Inherent genomic properties underlie the epigenomic heterogeneity of human induced pluripotent stem cells"
Cell Reports, 37: 109909 (2021) - 3.
*Yamashiro C, Sasaki K, Yokobayashi S, Kojima Y, Saitou M.
"Generation of human oogonia from induced pluripotent stem cells in culture"
Nature Protocol, 15: 1560-1583 (2020) - 4.
*Yamashiro C, Sasaki K, Yabuta Y, Kojima Y, Nakamura T, Okamoto I, Yokobayashi S, Murase Y, Ishikura Y, Shirane K, Sasaki H, Yamamoto T, Saitou M.
"Generation of human oogonia from induced pluripotent stem cells in vitro"
Science, 362: 356-360 (2018) - 5.
*Kojima Y, Sasaki K, Yokobayashi S, Sakai Y, Nakamura T, Yabuta Y, Nakaki F, Nagaoka S, Woltjen K, Hotta A, Yamamoto T, Saitou M.
"Evolutionarily Distinctive Transcriptional and Signaling Programs Drive Human Germ Cell Lineage Specification from Pluripotent Stem Cells"
Cell Stem Cell, 21: 517-532 (2017) - 6.
*Yokobayashi S, Okita K, Nakagawa M, Nakamura T, Yabuta Y, Yamamoto T, Saitou M.
"Clonal variation of human induced pluripotent stem cells for induction into the germ cell fate"
Biology of Reproduction, 96: 1154-1166 (2017) - 7.
*Sasaki K, Yokobayashi S, Nakamura T, Okamoto I, Yabuta Y, Kurimoto K, Ohta H, Moritoki Y, Iwatani C, Tsuchiya H, Nakamura S, Sekiguchi K, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Mori T, Woltjen K, Nakagawa M, Yamamoto T, Takahashi K, Yamanaka S, Saitou M.
"Robust In Vitro Induction of Human Germ Cell Fate from Pluripotent Stem Cells"
Cell Stem Cell, 17: 178-94 (2015) - 8.
*Yokobayashi S, Liang CY, Kohler H, Nestorov P, Liu Z, Vidal M, van Lohuizen M, Roloff TC, Peters AH.
"PRC1 coordinates timing of sexual differentiation of female primordial germ cells"
Nature, 495: 236-40 (2013) - 9.
*Terranova R, Yokobayashi S, Stadler MB, Otte AP, van Lohuizen M, Orkin SH, Peters AHFM.
"Polycomb group proteins Ezh2 and Rnf2 direct genomic contraction and imprinted repression in early mouse embryos"
Developmental Cell, 15: 668-79 (2008) - 10.
*Yokobayashi S, Watanabe Y.
"The kinetochore protein Moa1 enables cohesion-mediated monopolar attachment at meiosis I"
Cell, 123: 803-17 (2005)
- 横林 しほり
- 理研ECL研究チームリーダー
〒230-0045 神奈川県横浜市鶴見区末広町1-7-22
Email: shihori.yokobayashi [at] riken.jp