計算科学研究センター 大規模並列数値計算技術研究チーム
チームリーダー 今村 俊幸(Ph.D.)
- 数物系科学
- 並列数値アルゴリズム
- 高性能計算
- 数値線形代数
- 混合精度数値計算
- 最低限精度計算法
- 1.
Shuhei Kudo, Yusaku Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Imamura,
"Error Analysis of the Cholesky QR-Based Block Orthogonalization Process for the One-Sided Block Jacobi SVD Algorithm,"
COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, Vol. 39(6), 1203–1228, 2021.
10.31577/cai_2020_6_1203 - 2.
Hisashi Yashiro, Koji Terasaki, Yuta Kawai, Shuhei Kudo, Takemasa Miyoshi, Toshiyuki Imamura, Kazuo Minami, Hikaru Inoue, Tatsuo Nishiki, Takayuki Saji, Masaki Satoh, and Hirofumi Tomita. 2020.:
"A 1024-member ensemble data assimilation with 3.5-km mesh global weather simulations."
"In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC '20). IEEE Press, Article 1, 1–10. - 3.
Daichi Mukunoki, Katsuhisa Ozaki, Takeshi Ogita, Toshiyuki Imamura:
"DGEMM using Tensor Cores, and Its Accurate and Reproducible Versions,
ISC High Performance 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12151, pp. 230-248, Jun. 2020.
10.1007/978-3-030-50743-5_12 - 4.
Toshiyuki Imamura, Takeshi Fukaya, Yusuke Hirota, Susumu Yamada and Masahiko Machida.:
"CAHTR: Communication-Avoiding Householder TRidiagonalization"
Proc. ParCo2015, Advances in Parallel Computing, Vol. 27: Parallel Computing: On the Road to Exascale, pp. 381-390, 2016. - 5.
Yusuke,Hirota.,and Toshiyuki Imamura.:
"Divide-and-Conquer Method for Banded Generalized Eigenvalue Problems"
Journal of Information Processing Computing System, Vol.52,Nov,20,2015. - 6.
Takeshi,Fukaya., and Toshiyuki,Imamura.:
"Performance evaluation of the EigenExa eigensolver on Oakleaf-FX: tridiagonalization versus pentadiagonalization"
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshop (IPDPSW), 2015 IEEE International, pp. 960-969, May 25 2015. - 7.
"The EigenExa Library - High Performance & Scalable Direct Eigensolver for Large-Scale Computational Science"
International Supercomputing Conference (ISC14), Leipzig, June (2014). (invited talk) - 8.
Y,Idomura., M,Nakata., S,Yamada., M,Machida., T,Imamura., T,Watanabe., M,Nunami., H,Inoue., S,Tsutsumi., I,Miyoshi., and N,Shida.:
"Communication-overlap techniques for improved strong scaling of gyrokinetic Eulerian code beyond 100k cores on the K-computer"
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 28(1) 73-86 (2014), SAGE publications,
doi: 10.1177/1094342013490973.
- 今村 俊幸
- チームリーダー
- 鈴木 厚
- 上級研究員
- 中島 研吾
- 上級研究員
- ISHII Masado
- 特別研究員
- 内野 佑基
- 特別研究員
- 高橋 大介
- 客員主管研究員
- 横川 三津夫
- 客員主管研究員
募集職種 | 応募締切 |
研究員または特別研究員募集(K24023) | ポストが決まり次第 |
〒650-0047 兵庫県神戸市中央区港島南町7-1-26
Email: imamura.toshiyuki [at] riken.jp