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理研BRCセミナー「Bioinfra supporting programs and BRCs of Korea」

理研BRCセミナーチラシの画像理研BRCセミナー「Bioinfra supporting programs and BRCs of Korea」チラシ

There are about 20 BRCs of substantial sizes which are funded by the national government of Korea. Current government funding comes from the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW); the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), and the Ministry of Environment (ME). These big BRCs are affiliated with around 200 relatively small-sized BRCs that a variety of biological resources (plants, animals, microbes, and human derivatives) are provided in many different forms (sample,entity, tissue, extract, etc.). BRCs run as government organizations, Research Institutes, or as a network such as the Korea Biobank Network.
One of the legislation regarding BRCs is the "Act on the Acquisition, Management, and Utilization of Biological Research Resources" that defines the requirements and the roles of BRCs and the designation of a competent authority by each Ministry. The "Bio & Medical Technology Development Program" supported by MSIT has 11 research areas and 48 subcategory projects including development of new drug pipelines and next-generation medical equipment platform technology. One of the areas is the "Bioinfra" that consists of several projects including KNRRC.
In this presentation, I will review the regulatory framework and the BRC support programs in Korea and discuss the challenges that BRCs are facing now.

開催日 2019年11月20日(水)
時間 16:00-17:30
対象 研究者 / 大学生 / 大学院生 / 技術者
場所 筑波地区 バイオリソース研究センター 森脇和郎ホール
講演者 Dr. Kyungsook Ahn
(Resources and Innovation Cooperation)
注意 当セミナーは、学生、研究者、技術者を対象としたものです。理化学研究所以外からご参加の方は、所属する大学または研究機関が発行する身分証をご持参になり、守衛所にて入構証をお受け取りください。
お問い合わせ先 理化学研究所バイオリソース研究センター(BRC)
BRCセンター長室 担当: 草山
Mail: miwako.kusayama [at] riken.jp ※[at]は@に置き換えてください。
