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生命機能科学研究センター 配偶子形成研究チーム

チームリーダー 澁谷 大輝(Ph.D.)


澁谷 大輝



  • 生物学


  • 総合生物
  • 発生生物学関連
  • 遺伝学関連


  • 配偶子形成
  • 減数分裂
  • 染色体
  • 中心体



  • 1. *Padmanaban S, Lambacher NJ, Tesmer VM, Zhang J, Shibuya H, Nandakumar J.:
    "Caenorhabditis elegans telomere-binding proteins TEBP-1 and TEBP-2 adapt the Myb module to dimerize and bind telomeric DNA."
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 121(16):e2316651121 (2024)
  • 2. *Zhang J, Ruiz M, Bergh PO, Henricsson M, Stojanović N, Devkota R, Henn M, Bohlooly-Y M, Hernandez-Hernandez A, Alsheimer M, Boren J, Pilon M, Shibuya H.:
    "Regulation of meiotic telomere dynamics through membrane fluidity promoted by AdipoR2-ELOVL2."
    Nature Communications 15(1):2315 (2024)
  • 3. *He S, Gillies JP, Zang JL, Cordoba-Beldad CM, Yamamoto I, Fujiwara Y, Grantham J, DeSantis ME, Shibuya H.:
    "Distinct dynein complexes defined by DYNLRB1 and DYNLRB2 regulate mitotic and male meiotic spindle bipolarity."
    Nature Communications 14(1):1715 (2023)
  • 4. *Zhang K, Tarczykowska A, Gupta DK, Pendlebury DF, Zuckerman C, Nandakumar J, Shibuya H.
    "The TERB1 MYB domain suppresses telomere erosion in meiotic prophase I"
    Cell Reports 38(4):110289 (2022)
  • 5. *Pendlebury DF, Zhang J, Agrawal R, Shibuya H, Nandakumar J.:
    "Structure of a meiosis-specific complex central to BRCA2 localization at recombination sites."
    Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 28(8):671-680 (2021)
  • 6. *Yamamoto I, Zhang K, Zhang J, Vorontsov E, Shibuya H.:
    "Telomeric double-strand DNA-binding proteins DTN-1 and DTN-2 ensure germline immortality in Caenorhabditis elegans."
    Elife 10:e64104 (2021)
  • 7. *Zhang J, Gurusaran M, Fujiwara Y, Zhang K, Echbarthi M, Vorontsov E, Guo R, Pendlebury D, Alam I, Livera G, Emmanuelle M, Wang P, Nandakumar J, Davies O, Shibuya H:
    "The BRCA2-MEILB2-BRME1 complex governs meiotic recombination and impairs the mitotic BRCA2-RAD51 function in cancer cells."
    Nature Communications 11(1):2055 (2020)
  • 8. *Zhang J, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto S, Shibuya H.:
    "A meiosis-specific BRCA2 binding protein recruits recombinases to DNA double-strand breaks to ensure homologous recombination."
    Nature Communications 10(1):722 (2019)
  • 9. *Zhang J, Tu Z, Watanabe Y, Shibuya H.:
    "Distinct TERB1 domains regulate different protein interactions for meiotic telomere movement."
    Cell Reports 21(7):1715-1726 (2017)
  • 10. *Shibuya H, Hernandez-Hernandez A, Morimoto A, Lumi Negishi, Hoog C, Watanabe Y.:
    "MAJIN links telomeric DNA to the nuclear membrane by exchanging telomere cap."
    Cell 163(5):1252-1266 (2015)




澁谷 大輝


石田 森衛
竹田 穣
梶川 絵理子


募集職種 応募締切
研究員または特別研究員募集(K24031) ポストが決まり次第


Email: hiroki.shibuya [at] riken.jp
